Missing in luxury hotel R4 million ring found in vacuum

Missing in luxury hotel, R4 million ring found in vacuum cleaner

Facade of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, France.

Facade of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, France.

Photo: Photo: Istock

Last Sunday the 11th, employees of the luxurious Ritz Hotel in Paris, France discovered a ring worth around 750 thousand euros (approximately R$ 4 million) in a vacuum cleaner.

According to Le Parisien newspaper, the guest, originally from Malaysia, filed a police report on Friday the 8th, claiming that her ring had disappeared from the table in the room where she was staying.

In the complaint, she became suspicious of the hotel staff and stated that she left the ring on a table before going shopping.

The local newspaper also reported that the guest traveled to London on Friday the 8th and after receiving news that the jewel had been found, she announced that she would return to look for it.

In a statement to local press, the Ritz Hotel said it had offered the guest three additional nights as compensation for the inconvenience. Until the guest returns to town to collect the jewel, the piece remains in the custody of the police.

The hotel thanked staff for their diligent work in finding the ring and emphasized the team's integrity and professionalism in a statement.

“Thanks to the meticulous work of security personnel, the ring was found this morning. We would like to thank the employees of the Ritz Paris who mobilized for this search and work every day with integrity and professionalism,” said the hotel management in a statement to which the local press had access.

Source: Redação Terra