Traffic Law Understand the Changes in Driver License Suspension Scores

Traffic Law: Understand the Changes in Driver License Suspension Scores Capitalist

The constantly evolving traffic rules are intended to promote road safety while setting clear limits for drivers. In 2021, a significant change occurred with the adoption of Law No. 14,071/20, which changed the points scenario to lose the National Driving License (CNH).

Previously the limit was 20 points, now it is 40 points. However, the flexibility of this assessment depends on the history of very serious breaches committed within a 12month period.

The dynamic evaluation threshold: Understanding the new logic

The core of the change lies in the variability of the points limit depending on the driver's behavior Traffic. If the driver has a clean driving record within a 12month period and no serious violations have been committed, the maximum limit increases to 40 points. This measure represents a significant increase compared to the previous scenario.

However, the points scale will be adjusted if there are very serious violations in the driver's past. If a violation of this level is found, the limit is reduced to 30 points.

For those who accumulate two or more very serious violations during the reference period, the score returns to the previous value of 20 points, which is a clear sign that the revocation of the driving license is imminent.

The countdown: 12 months in which you can reset your driver's license

Points are counted from the date of the violation. This 12month period serves as a kind of “window” during which violations are taken into account when calculating the score. During this period it is possible to collect points for minor, medium and very serious violations.

Therefore, the driver's responsibility remains and every action on the road has a direct impact on the ability to keep or lose the driver's license. In order to keep your driver's license without any problems, it is important to raise awareness of the importance of obeying traffic rules and avoiding serious violations.

It is critical for all drivers to understand the nuances of score changes upon loss of license. The flexibility provided by Law No. 14,071/20 brings with it a new dynamic that requires greater responsibility and compliance with traffic rules.

Ultimately it is Security Behavior on the road depends on the awareness of each individual driver and constant review of the rules is essential to ensure peaceful and safe coexistence on the road.