The court orders that Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa39s debts

The court orders that Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa's debts to the bank of R$ 1.6 million be paid within three days G1

1 of 3 Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa — Photo: Social Networks/Reproduction Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa — Photo: Social Networks/Reproduction

The court ordered that Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa's R$1.6 million debt to a bank must be paid within three days. The decision published this Wednesday (13) states that the payment must be made under threat of asset seizure that is, assets will be blocked or expropriated until the debts are paid.

Because according to Bank Bradesco, the excouple had taken out loans with real estate collateral, also known as fiduciary alienation. In this modality, the institution indirectly controls the asset and can confiscate it if the amount is not paid within the specified period.

According to the lawsuit, in addition to the debt, the former couple must also pay court costs and expenses, in addition to legal fees, which were set at 10%. In the document that the g1 Had access, the Bradesco bank also mentions that “in 2023 alone, more than R$ 28 million in loans were taken, including properties registered with a fiduciary guarantee of sale”.

O g1 The bank asked Bradesco for comment on the case, but the institution said it would “not comment on the matter.”

Ana Hickmann's advisor also said she would not comment on the matter. Alexandre's lawyer, Enio Martins Murad, said that the excouple owned real estate worth R$50 million, which “represents a value higher than the alleged debts. Therefore, it is enough to pay everything they owe.”

Murad also reported that the businessman filed precautionary measures with the bankruptcy court based on the Judicial Recovery Law. This Wednesday (13) the lawyer sent prints with proof of payment of the monthly fee for Ana and Alexandre's son.

According to the files, military police were called to the residence and spoke with Ana there. She told police that she was in the kitchen of her home around 3:30 p.m. with her husband, the couple's son, 10, and employees when she and Alexandre began arguing. The situation would have frightened the boy, who left the room.

According to the plainclothes police document, Alexandre pushed Ana against the wall and threatened to headbutt her. She says she managed to keep her husband away, but when she tried to get her cell phone, which was outside the house, to call the police, he suddenly closed a sliding door and squeezed her left arm.

Case of Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Costa: What is known

When the military police arrived at the house, Alexandre had already left the house. Ana was treated in Santa Casa de Itu.

Acknowledged disagreement but denied headbutt

“In fact, yesterday afternoon I had a disagreement with my wife, a completely isolated situation that did not entail any major consequences. I would also like to make it clear that I never headbutted her, as has been untruely reported in the press, and that everything will be properly resolved in due course.”

“I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my entire family for what happened. We have been married for 25 years without an incident of this nature. “I have always served Ana as her agent with all care, affection and respect.” That is how I treat the seven women I work with in my office.”

2 of 3 Ana Hickmann case: Divorce application based on the Maria da Penha law is rejected by the court Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Ana Hickmann case: Divorce application based on the Maria da Penha law is rejected by the court rejected Photo: Reproduction/ Instagram 3 of 3 Two weeks after filing a complaint against her husband, Ana Hickmann speaks of emotional fatigue Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Two weeks after filing a complaint against her husband, Ana Hickmann speaks of emotional fatigue Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

Two weeks into the trial, the model and presenter again took to social media to speak about the emotional exhaustion she suffered after filing a police report against her husband.

“You can tell that my voice is a bit bad. My nights don't go as I would like, as I'm used to. Even when I work a lot, I don't feel this emotional fatigue. But what I “All I can say is that the power that is yours is coming. The energy and the prayers too. Thank you very much,” he said.

New application to lift the protective measure

“I’m fighting for my happiness”

On Sunday morning (10), Ana opened a question box on Instagram to talk about what happened. In the first answers, the moderator explained how she was feeling at the moment.

“The heart [está] very sad, I would even say completely broken. It is very difficult for us to face so many problems, challenges, an avalanche of feelings and difficult things and keep our heads up. But if I don't do that, who will do it for my son, who will be there for him? In this moment, despite all the sadness and pain, I have no right to stop and cry. I have to do other things and above all stay healthy,” he said.

“Every mother will understand me. We may be a wreck inside, but out here, for our children, we will always be healthy and strong. We as mothers don't have the right to show weakness because if I get sad, if I get weak, he will reflect the same. And I want my boy to be happy and strong.”

According to the model, the first step to demonstrating safety and strength is to report an abusive relationship.

“When we talk about abuse and mistreatment, I'm not just talking about the physical part because it's the final straw, the final straw of it all, because it starts much earlier. Today I can say that it has been a long time coming.” Have this security, this courage, for countless reasons that I still want to open my heart and tell you and I believe that many people will identify with that. But yes, today I feel more confident and this security helps me a lot to move forward,” he said.

“I definitely feel lighter and freer, and that helps a lot. Happier? I think this will take a while. But I’m fighting for my happiness and that’s what counts.”

Ana also received some questions about how she can start over given the financial problems she is facing with Alexandre.

“While working outside the home and having our own money can be important for us to be financially independent, it is not enough, and that is because our relationship with money and independence itself depends on the amount available our account.” has deeper roots. Toxic relationships occur in all income levels and it is necessary to receive a lot of support, acceptance, access to selfknowledge and knowledge so that these movements transform not only into independence but also into courage to leave. We must overcome this situation and start a new one take the path,” he commented.

“To my surprise, it is the financial issue that looms large when we need to end a toxic relationship. It is what often stops us from taking that first step. Next comes the problem of society, of people who don't do it.” I believe that it can continue like this. Do you know what we women need? it, you can do that too.

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