A Fazenda 2023 Who won the last Farmer39s Test Splashes

A Fazenda 2023: Who won the last Farmer's Test? Splashes

André Gonçalves won the 13th and final Farmer's Test of A Fazenda 2023 (record). Tonzão Chagas and WL Guimarães, the losers, join Cezar Black and Radamés Furlan vetoed by momentum in the 12th field of the season.

Voting has already opened and this time two characters will leave the game. The eliminations will take place on Thursday (14th) in the live program.

How was the test

The trio's goal was to climb a tower in a competition of aim and agility. The test was divided into four phases.

The first phase was aiming. Pedestrians had to open a storage room containing the pieces and remove them. Then they used the parts and built a package.

In the next step, the pedestrians had to unwind ropes from a huge spool and insert them into the side of the package.

In the final phase, each farmer had to pull giant pegs and climb a tower to ring the bell.

UOL A FAZENDA 2023 POLL: Who do you think should stay on the reality show?




Edu Moraes / Recording


Edu Moraes / Recording


Edu Moraes / Recording Choose again

A total of 2156 votes

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13th farmer: André

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12th farmer: Jaquelline

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11th pawn: Tonzão

A Fazenda 2023: Tonzão is the 11th farmer of the edition

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10th pawn: Cezar Black

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9th farmer: Jaquelline

A Fazenda 2023: Jaquelline is the ninth farmer of the edition

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8th pawn: Yuri Meirelles

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7th Pawn: Shay Haghbin

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6th pawn: Lucas Souza

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5. Farmer: Jenny Miranda

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4th pawn: Yuri Meirelles

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3rd farmer: Jaquelline

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2nd pawn: André Gonçalves

A Fazenda 2023: André is the second farmer

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1st pawn: Yuri Meirelles

A Fazenda 2023: Yuri Meirelles on founding the 1st farm
