Holiday shopping Watch out for online scams

Holiday shopping: Watch out for online scams

This year, more Canadians are considering doing their holiday shopping online, but with the habit comes new threats and the growing risk of online scams.

• Also read: Online fraud involving a $1,500 Christmas tree

The Retail Council of Canada estimates that 90% of shoppers plan to purchase their holiday gifts online this year.

Here are some tips from the American multinational company Fortinet, which specializes in cybersecurity equipment and services:

• Patch and update your software and devices;

• Pay particular attention to the websites you visit: pay attention to logos, such as “pop-ups” and inaccessible links.

• Change your passwords regularly and avoid duplicate identifiers.

• Use a credit card instead of a debit card to pay for your online purchases.

• Remember: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.