Argentina Milei government shows its teeth in the face of

Argentina: Milei government shows its teeth in the face of “absolute disorder” Southwest

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich, who previously held this position under the presidency of liberal Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), announced measures and a future law to prevent “cuts, pickets and roadblocks” that affect activity and “Argentinians prevent life.” in peace”. Argentina and especially the greater Buenos Aires area are the scene of hundreds of demonstrations every year with cuts in transport routes, in certain provinces, according to Patricia Bullrich, “daily”.

From now on, all federal forces could intervene in a demonstration that blocked a traffic route, she announced, and not just the reference police, whether in the province or in the capital. “The force deployed will be the bare minimum but proportional to the resistance,” she added, and “the bill for this equipment will be sent to the responsible organizations or individuals.” The state will not pay for this deployment of security forces.”

“Caution” and “first road test”

Patricia Bullrich also reiterated that there would be sanctions against parents who bring children or young people to demonstrations. “There will be serious consequences for anyone who uses children as shields.” The Milei government announced a first series of austerity measures on Tuesday, including a shocking devaluation of the peso by more than 50% and cuts to transport and energy subsidies January. Measures that, combined with inflation that is already at 160% within a year, will significantly affect Argentina's purchasing power.

Milei himself agreed that the situation would “get worse in the short term” before there was an improvement in the financial situation and the economy. Trade unions and social organizations have already warned that the world of work will not “stand idly by” in the face of the “explosion in purchasing power”. An important radical left social movement, Polo Obrero, condemned “a plan of aggression against the people” by Patricia Bullrich.

For her part, Vice President Victoria Villaruel called on unions to be “cautious” and warned them against “a certain level of aggressiveness or social conflict” just as the measures of a “four-day government” were announced. and for some not yet realized.