Israeli soldiers kill teenagers block ambulances and fire tear gas

Israeli soldiers kill teenagers, block ambulances and fire tear gas at occupied West Bank hospital

Headline15. Dec. 2023

In the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces killed an unarmed 17-year-old at Khalil Suleiman Hospital. Doctors Without Borders also witnessed Israeli soldiers blocking ambulances taking discharged patients home. Ambulance drivers were forced to get out of their vehicles, strip naked and kneel on the ground. The medical organization reiterates that this action is part of a series of attacks on health workers in the West Bank since October 7th. These incidents also included live gunfire and tear gas in hospitals, blocking emergency vehicles, and humiliation and harassment of medical personnel. Outside the hospital grounds, Israeli soldiers desecrated a mosque in Jenin and recited Jewish prayers that mimicked the style of an Islamic call to prayer. This came as part of a three-day Israeli raid on the Jenin refugee camp in which at least 12 Palestinians were killed and more than 100 arrested.