In Brest the Capucins media library likes to release old.1

In Brest, the Capucins media library likes to release old video game consoles – Le Télégramme

Yes, for gross pixels and graphics from the 1980s or 1990s! In this new themed afternoon, Saturday December 16, 2023, these old consoles that the Capucins library in Brest offers with free access do not require a very high resolution screen. “We already offer all year round in our main gaming area, two old consoles (a Super Nintendo and an Atari console) with their integrated games,” introduced Monica Marin at the helm together with her colleague Antoine Baudet.

“There is a real interest in these old generation consoles that are now being re-released with permanent licenses.” There are pure retro consoles and remastered consoles that are brought up to date but always have a vintage style in content, Box and controllers. “Gamers are looking for the games they knew as children and love sharing them with their families. The cross-generational aspect is very appealing. Some people look for the less simple side of these old games. It’s a real challenge to figure out how the most complex ones work and what tricks you need to score points and stay alive.”

The curiosity of the first versions of games

Comodore 64, Nintendo Game Cube (the ancestor of the famous Wii), Mini Mega Drive and dozens of built-in games. Nostalgia is in full swing with lovers rediscovering their good reflexes of yore. “There is also the curiosity of those who today know and play versions of certain games, such as Street Fighter 6, released last June.” A return to the basics that finds its audience and that the manufacturers have recognized perfectly. “These old consoles and their integrated games still offer real surprises today,” assure Monica Marin and Antoine Baudet and are happy to be able to offer this dive into the past to gamers who have always been so spoiled by the digital and games department. Video from the Capuchin Library.