1702767774 The three hostages killed by Israel raised a white flag

The three hostages killed by Israel raised a white flag. Another kidnapped girl dies in captivity News Ansa.it ​​​​

The three hostages accidentally killed by the Israeli army in Gaza had held up a stick with a white cloth, a rudimentary way of displaying the white flag. The IDF opened an investigation, but the details of the death have made even more painful an event that deeply shocked and saddened Israel. A tragedy that puts even more pressure on the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, which is also criticized for not announcing the killing of the three kidnapped men, to restart negotiations on a new hostage exchange. For the families of the hostages, time is up: “We are only recovering bodies. We want to resume negotiations alongside the fighting,” they demand at today’s rally, symbolically showing an hourglass.

Learn more The three hostages killed by Israel raised a white flag US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Agency Samer, Yotam and Alon, dead, one step away from salvation. The love of heavy metal and basketball that defined the three twenty-year-olds

That evening, the prime minister declared on television that “the war will continue until the destruction of Hamas,” even though the deaths of the three hostages “broke my heart and that of the nation.” Netanyahu then reiterated that after the war, Gaza would be demilitarized and placed under Israeli security control. And that he will not allow the PNA to rule it. Every day that passes brings new pain for the relatives of those abducted: Today the death of another Israeli hostage in Gaza captivity was announced: Inbar Haiman, 27 years old, was kidnapped on October 7th last year at the music festival in Reim . To send an internal message, Mossad chief David Barnea flew to Oslo, where he met with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani. At stake is the resumption of indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas – with the participation of Egypt and the USA – over an exchange of the approximately 130 hostages remaining in the Gaza Strip with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. An exchange that, as analysts point out, would be technically impossible without an accompanying ceasefire. Based on the outcome of the meeting, the War Cabinet will decide how and whether the talks will continue. As far as we know, Barnea has already seen Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Shin Bet Director (Internal Security) Ronen Bar and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi in ​​a meeting. However, the families of the hostages who took to the streets in Tel Aviv last night and responded this evening alongside thousands of other people in front of the Ministry of Defense did not hesitate. “One hundred and twenty-nine coffins,” they said, again criticizing the War Cabinet for not receiving them, “do not represent a victory. The tragic deaths of the hostages in Gaza require immediate action: do everything possible to release all remaining hostages alive.” . Into this painful scenario is Hamas forcing itself in. Abu Obaida, spokesman for the al-Qassam Brigades, affirmed that “the Zionist army knows very well our conditions for their release, since none of them will be released until our conditions are met “In reconstructing the dynamics that led to the murder of Yotam Haim, Alon Shamriz and Samer Fuad El-Talalka, it was revealed that one of the soldiers stationed in a building in front of the building “felt threatened.” although the hostages waved a white cloth and he shot at the group. “Two hostages were hit and fell to the ground, while the third – he added – managed to escape into a nearby building.” As the soldiers approached the building, “they heard shouts in Hebrew asking for help. “The soldiers thought that “he was a member of Hamas who wanted to lure them (into the trap, editor's note), they entered the building and killed the hostage.”

Learn more 1702767768 895 The three hostages killed by Israel raised a white flag US gives green light to Ukrainian training on F 16.ico ANSA Agency Israel: “The killed hostages had a stick with a white cloth” – THE LIVEBLOG Panic in the Gaza parish: the army shoots, kills mother and daughters, reports the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi admitted that the soldiers “did not follow the rules of engagement”: “It is forbidden to shoot at those who raise a white flag and call for surrender,” he clarified.
Meanwhile, Israeli attacks on Gaza show no signs of slowing. On the ground, the Israeli army continues to apply pressure in the south and north of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian agency Wafa has reported an airstrike that “killed at least 14 people, while” dozens more people, including children and women, were killed amid tensions They also remain high in northern Israel on the border with Lebanon, where rockets continue to fall, killing a reservist and triggering the Jewish state's armed response. Two Palestinians were killed in the West Bank Israel.
The attacks by the Houthi rebels, supported by Iran in Yemen, on ships in the Red Sea threaten to transform international trade: the French company Cma Cgm and the world's largest shipping group, MSC, have announced that they will stop after an attack on one of their Ships use the Suez Canal and reroute its ships via the Cape of Good Hope.

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