Ginette Reno39s daughter Natacha victim of an unfortunate accident

Ginette Reno's daughter Natacha, victim of an unfortunate accident – Noovo Moi

” I hope you are well. For my part, today (Friday) everything is going very well despite what happened to me yesterday. (Thursday) I fell and suffered a bad fall.

I was with my grandson, we went to the DIX30 district, then we headed to Indigo to look at beautiful books because he loves reading. There were people coming from the opposite direction and out of respect my husband always lets people pass. So he stepped aside, my grandson stepped aside and so did I. My foot landed in a hole near a tree and that's where I fell. The crash was quick and unexpected. I didn't see the blow coming. I landed on my knee first, then my whole body rolled to the side. Luckily there were three men there to help me get up. I had to take my time because my knee hurt.

I have a bump on one thigh, a sore knee, but most importantly my arm is very sore from where I ended up most of the time.

Today I'm going to take it easy. I decided to leave the house because it's important that I take a few steps. ” she says on Instagram.

Natasha documented everything by posting a photo of his injuries.