Big Brother sparks between Beatrice Luzzi and Rosanna He doesnt

Big Brother, sparks between Beatrice Luzzi and Rosanna: “He doesn’t think bad things, he says them”

He is the big brother of Beatrice Luzzi. His personality always comes through, even in the conflict between the two Rosanna brother And Cornflower, in which she felt questioned, even though the discussion wasn't initially about her. It's all about former Vivere villain Eva Bonelli, who throws the balance, gets all the attention and proves herself to be the real deal Strength This edition is so renewed and aimed at a success that no one could have imagined given the initial results.

It's a clash between Beatrice Luzzi and Rosanna Fratello

The first discussion focused on Rosanna Fratello and Fiordaliso. The two artists discussed the topics again Conflicts in the last few days, in which the voice of Sono una donna non sono una santa declared that she felt more famous than her colleague from Piacenza. However, Marina was not impressed by his words and commented with her usual irony: “We are different. She's a decent person, I'm an old codger.

Brother answers point by point: “You’re right, we are different.” She is the aunt who defends the indefensible. She should joke less and be more sincere. I don't have to do anything to get noticed“I am who I am.” And here comes Beatrice Luzzi, who has never been questioned but, according to Rosanna, would have onebad influence about fellow artists.

“I am a simple person. “A person who doesn’t think bad things,” says Fratello, who is of great assistance to Beatrice Luzzi, who replies: “He doesn’t think them, he just says them.” Rosanna even believes that The Roman actress has some problems (“He’s suffering from something,” she ventures), as Luzzi walks straight ahead and she freezes: “I’m suffering from your presence.”

Speech by Cesara Buonamici

Cesara Buonamici is the voice from the chorus of this Big Brother. I tiptoed to cover it Role as a commentator, has climbed the very high mountain of prejudice and proves to be particularly centered for this task. Certainly her judgments are not what the public would expect, but she has chosen to be herself and put the truth first. Sometimes never accommodating sharp Especially when it comes to famous people, the Tg5 journalist is the outsider we probably needed.

“Fiordaliso said one thing correctly, and that was when you arrived We are all equal in the House of Representatives. There are no differences between people you know and young people. But in the face of all this evil, and precisely because you are who you are, I I would recommend a slightly more tolerant attitude Because the only result you've achieved is that you've created this coalition that's having fun and laughing behind your back. You should register“says the commentator and gives great advice to Rosanna Fratello, who could and will start again from here and take a new path known to the public in other respects, not only because of his artistic talent, which is clearly undeniable.

Meanwhile, Luzzi is once again targeted by a competitor. The arguments with Massimiliano Varrese and then with Sara Ricci were not enough: now it is Rosanna Fratello's turn. We certainly don't know what it will be his future in reality television, whether it will withstand the bloody onslaught of televoting or reach the final. Time will give the right answers.

Those who were eliminated on December 16th

The nominated participants were Sara Ricci, Beatrice Luzzi, Perla Vatiero, Grecia Colmenares and Vittorio Menozzi, who was the first to escape, followed by Perla and Beatrice. Sara Ricci will finally be eliminated from Big Brother on December 16thwho has to leave forever the game she joined just a few weeks ago.