4monthold baby found alive in tree after being swept away

4monthold baby found alive in tree after being swept away by tornado


A fourmonthold baby was found alive after being swept away by a tornado that hit the house where he lives with his family in Tennessee, USA. The child was found in a tree.

At that time the residence was completely destroyed. In an interview with WSMVTV, the baby's mother, Sydney Moore, 22, said she was “almost certain” her son did not survive due to the force of the phenomenon.

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According to her, the roof was torn off when the tornado hit the house in Clarksville last Saturday (9). The baby, named Lord, was in the crib when the furniture was lifted.

Sydney's friend and the child's father recognized the situation and tried to grab the crib, but were also thrown into the tornado.

“The father held the crib the whole time and they formed circles. So they were played,” he said.

After the accident, the parents met and searched for their youngest son for ten minutes until they found him in a fallen tree in the pouring rain.

“I was sure he was dead and we wouldn’t find him. But he is here, and it is by the grace of God.concluded the mother.

All family members survived despite cuts and bruises, but the apartment and their belongings were completely lost.

So Moore's sister started an online fundraiser to help them recover.

Tornadic phenomena in the United States

Six people died in the line of storms that spawned tornadoes last Saturday, including Arlan Garrick Coty, a 10yearold boy.

At the time, Arlan, a Grade 4 student, was unable to escape his home, which was directly in the storm's path, his mother, Katherine Burnham, said in a Facebook post.

Clarksville police have released the identification of additional victims, including Donna Allen, 59, of Florida, and Stephen Kwaah Hayes, 34, of Clarksville.

Three more deaths were reported when the storm hit a mobile home park in Madison, Nashville police reported. The victims were identified as Joseph Dalton, 37; Floridema Gabriel Perez, 31; and his son, Anthony Elmer Mendez, just 2 years old.

*With information from Portal R7.