1702828123 Barbara Palombelli drama she was also a victim quotpaid a

Barbara Palombelli drama, she was also a victim: "paid a very high price" | The Broken Hearted Admission Travel Trends

Moderator Barbara Palombelli recounted a frightening episode: The revelation shocked the Mediaset audience.

In recent weeks, thanks in part to recent news events, the gender-based violence has returned to the center of public debate with street demonstrations and thematic blocks on the most important Italian talk shows.

The Harassment and abuse of women They often culminate in heartbreaking crimes, and previous sexist and chauvinistic attitudes provide the ideal habitat for a full-blown social plague that seems difficult to eradicate.

The moderator also witnesses this Barbara Palombelli: In his own way, even the face of “Forum” has personally experienced some disrespectful and harmful attitudes from some colleagues in the world of entertainment.

He told “Verissimo” and also explained his choice to Silvia Toffanin Do not get intouch the perpetrators of the abuse.

Barbara Palombelli and harassment: “I never spoke about it”

He became the host of the “Forum” at a young age. fought with all means to earn her professional status, telling Silvia Toffanin: “I was a little girl knocking on the doors of newspapers and asking if they needed anything. It was a fairy tale…”.

However, he admitted: “I have experienced several cases of harassment; I have never spoken about it and will never speak about it. “Partly because I got over it, and partly also because the protagonists of this harassment had daughters… I didn't want to displease their families.” Barbara Palombelli's statements provoked mixed reactions, especially given that many victims of abuse continue to suffer in silence forego the help of the police Mistrust, shame or fear of not being believed. However, Barbara Palombelli offered another interpretation: the reporting probably would have done it impaired his professional developmentand tarnished his image beyond repair.

Barbara Palombelli – Tendendiviaggio.it

The presenter Barbara Palombelli – Trendsediviaggio.it (web source)

Barbara Palombelli with an open heart: “You pay a very high price”

The presenter later explained to Silvia Toffanin: “I was afraid of becoming a victim for the second time“. And he concluded: “We must have the courage to report, but we must know that we are doing so You pay a very high price…“.

However, Barbara Palombelli tried to protect her daughters from fears and phobias: “I tried to protect them, but without taking away their joy of life, from vacation abroad, from the disco. Every time I walk through a park or take a vehicle I am afraid, for myself and for them, but that doesn't stop us.