Dick Van Dyke calls himself 39lazy39 as he looks back

Dick Van Dyke calls himself 'lazy' as he looks back on his career on his 98th birthday – TMZ

Dick Van Dyke at 98 Yes, I did a lot…but I probably could have done more!!!

Dec 17, 2023 5:22 pm PT

Dick Van Dyke has had a storied and legendary career in show business, but the guy thinks he probably could have gone out early and conquered a lot more than he already has.

The legendary entertainer, who just turned 98 last week, has been featured in a new film.CBS Sunday Morning' episode this weekend…in which he reflected on his many years of work in Hollywood and beyond, whose fruitful successes he calls nothing other than dumb luck.

Look…Dick says that everything he ever encountered professionally – and I think it was a lot – was just luck… because in his mind he wasn't a pursuer.

The DVD states that he wasn't looking for jobs or gigs when he started – and explains that things fell into his lap naturally. In fact, he goes so far as to say that he's a lazy guy by nature… which is crazy considering how much work he has on his plate.

As he puts it, he would go out, make a movie or something, come home… and literally just sit around waiting for the phone to ring and bring him another opportunity – and they always came.

The interviewer sounds incredulous and asks if he didn't really plan all of his success – to which he replies… not really. Somehow he continues to claim that he doesn't have much drive!

Even though his long career as an artist was a happy accident, we're glad it worked out. Dick is a national treasure and the fact that he's still as sharp as he is… nothing short of a blessing.

Happy birthday, Mr. Van Dyke!!!