War in Ukraine: lack of artillery, "immense resources"Listening device… an update on the situation

Every day Midi Libre takes stock of the situation in Ukraine. This Monday, December 18, 2023, discover the latest news surrounding this conflict.

The lack of artillery affects some military operations

Ukrainian troops on the front lines are facing a shortage of artillery shells and have scaled back some military operations due to a lack of foreign help, a Ukrainian army general told Portal.

“There is a problem with ammunition, especially with the post-Soviet 122 and 152 millimeter grenades. Today these problems exist across the entire front line,” he said in an interview. According to Oleksandr Tarnavsky, the decline in foreign military aid is having an impact on the battlefield.

“The quantities we have today are not sufficient given our needs. That's why we're redistributing them. We are rethinking the missions we have set and reducing them because we have to provide for them,” he said, without providing details. The comments underscore Kiev's reliance on Western military aid to fight Russian troops along a 1,000-kilometer front, nearly 22 months after the conflict began.

The Russian armed forces are also encountering difficulties with regard to ammunition, said Oleksandr Tarnavsky, without specifying the type. The weakened Ukrainian troops on the southeastern front went on the defensive in some areas but tried to attack in others, he said.

“In some areas we went on the defensive, in others we continued our offensive actions – through maneuvers, shots and advances. And we are preparing our reserves for other large-scale operations,” he said. Neither the Russian nor Ukrainian militaries have made significant territorial gains.

Ukraine is increasingly lacking the means to defend itself against increasing attacks by Russian attack drones, but is relying on the supply of Western F-16 fighter jets, said Oleksandr Tarnavsky. “With the F-16 the situation will be completely different. In my opinion, as an infantry officer, the F-16 is like a Mercedes compared to a Zaporozhets (an old Soviet car),” he said.

Vladimir Putin calls women “a huge reserve for Russia”

Women are “Russia's huge reserve,” said President Vladimir Putin this Monday, December 18, whose country, which has been leading an onslaught in Ukraine for almost two years, is facing a significant labor shortage caused by mobilization at the front is further exacerbated.

“Girls represent a huge reserve for Russia. They must maximize their potential in areas in which they do not yet work,” demanded the Russian president at a meeting with winners of a professional competition. “Why can’t girls study (in certain areas, editor’s note), get an education and work successfully?” he asked.

As an example, he particularly cited the fact that women could become pilots in the army. “Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu explained that they did an excellent job, although it always seemed as if it was a purely male job,” the Kremlin leader said.

https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/12/18/le-commandant-en-chef-de-larmee-ukrainienne-etait-vise-un-dispositif-decoute-trouve-dans-les-locaux-de- larmee-11649719.php

Listening device found in army compound

A listening device was discovered in one of the future offices of Ukrainian army commander-in-chief Valery Zalouzhny, Kiev security services said on Sunday, saying the device was “not operational.”

“The equipment was found not directly in Valery Zaluzhny's office, but in one of the premises that he could use for his work in the future,” Ukrainian services clarified on Telegram.

An investigation has been launched into “illegal use of special technical means to obtain information,” they added, without providing any information about the origin of this listening device.

“The device found was not operational. No device for data storage or remote audio transmission was found. This technical device will be sent for testing,” the Ukrainian services said.