1702969104 Earthquake in China more than 100 dead

Earthquake in China: more than 100 dead

Earthquake in China more than 100 dead

In the Chinese border region of Gansu-Qinghai, the earth shook with a magnitude of 6.2. Thousands of buildings were destroyed.

On a earthquake at the Gansu-Qinghai border region in China are at least, according to Chinese media reports 116 people died.

O epicenter The 6.2 magnitude earthquake, which struck around midnight, occurred in a circle Jishishan. Rescue work continued. About 400 people were injured, authorities said.

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State of emergency declared

Authorities said more than 4,700 buildings were destroyed. Rescue and relief efforts are underway. The government declared a state of emergency.

The number of people missing is still unclear. Witnesses told state news agency Xinhua that the earthquake caused damage to homes, roads and other infrastructure. There was a power outage in several villages and the water supply was interrupted. The railway authority suspended the passage of trains through the earthquake zone.

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About 2,200 rescuers have been sent to the disaster area, Xinhua reported. The military and police are also involved in rescue work.

Power was gradually restored to the earthquake zone after the state power grid sent 18 emergency repair teams, state television CCTV reported.

According to the China Earthquake Network Center (CENC), the earth shook at a depth of ten kilometers at 11:59 pm (local time) on Monday.

At least 105 people were killed in Jishishan County, Gansu Province. Neighboring Qinghai province initially reported 11 deaths. Head of state and party of China Xi Jinping asked everyone to do everything to save people.

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“In shock”

“We are still in shock,” a man from Jishishan told local news portal Jimu, about two hours after the earthquake. He and his family ran down the stairs of their 16th-floor apartment. Then they arrived safely in the car.

Even in more distant cities like Lanzhoucapital of the province of Gansuthe earthquake was felt according to eyewitnesses.

The affected area is located in a remote mountainous region, at the eastern end of the tectonically active region. Qinghai-Tibet Plateaus. The temperature in Linxia, ​​near where the earthquake occurred, was around minus 14 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning. Most of China is battling freezing temperatures as a cold wave has hit the country since last week.

The last major earthquake in China with many deaths occurred last year, when more than 60 people died in the southwest of the country. In 2008, Sichuan province was hit by a massive 7.9 magnitude earthquake, killing more than 80,000 people.