Les Grandes Fetes TELUS de Rimouski Sum 41 Black Eyed

Les Grandes Fêtes TELUS de Rimouski: Sum 41, Black Eyed Peas and Bryan Adams as headliners

Rimouski will have a big visit to the Grandes Fêtes TELUS this summer, with the arrival of Bryan Adams on August 3rd, but also with Sum 41 and the Black Eyed Peas taking the stage on the 1stum and August 2nd.

The evening of August 4th is dedicated to Quebec artists, with a first comic part by Sam Breton, followed by performances by Claudia Bouvette and Bleu Jeans Bleu.

“This year we are once again able to offer an international event with well-known artists from home and abroad at an affordable price. It is a great pleasure for me to be able to share this news with our community,” says Sébastien Noël, General Director of the event.

This 18th edition ends with the traditional fireworks display.

Tickets are available from Wednesday on the Grandes Fêtes TELUS website.