1703122587 Master K sentenced to 12 years in prison He

“Master K” sentenced to 12 years in prison | He attacks a 7-year-old girl but is not a pedophile, according to a psychiatrist –

Pimp and pedophile Koceila Louali was sentenced to 12 years in prison on Wednesday for crimes against a young girl and sex workers. Despite the atrocity of his actions, “Master K” avoids being labeled a long-term offender because a psychiatrist has concluded that the risk of relapse is low.

Posted at 5:44 p.m


“Inappropriate-inappropriate sexual behavior toward a 7-year-old girl. »

The psychiatrist Louis Morissette used this euphemism, already condemned by the Supreme Court, to describe Koceila Louali's attack on a little girl whom he wanted to turn into a sex slave. He touched the child's genitals and asked the mother to watch the attack.

In this rare horror case, a mother handed her 7-year-old daughter to Koceila Louali as part of their sexual games. The two deviants had begun a “clear and extremely degrading plan to abuse this child,” explained the public prosecutor in the mother’s case (sentenced to 6 years in prison).

Koceila Louali also discussed particularly humiliating sexual scenarios involving the little girl with the mother.

However, according to Dr. Morissette found no “evidence of pedophilia or paraphilia.” Since Louali has never been arrested in the past and is in the process of being rehabilitated, his risk of reoffending is particularly low, the psychiatrist concludes in his almost six-page report assessing the defendant's status as a dangerous offender or offender who needs to be controlled.

Psychiatrist Louis Morissette, a regular defense attorney, was reprimanded last year by his disciplinary authority for submitting a falsified “report.”

Master K sentenced to 12 years in prison He


Specialist psychiatrist Dr. Louis Morissette in 2017.

“They were scarred for life”

Koceila Louali's crimes do not stop there. This “legally blind” man headed two established organizations that offered sexual services. His first specialized in “gang-bangs” and “orgies.” Sometimes up to 150 men took part in these Greek orgies, compared to fewer than ten women, a very small proportion for this type of event. These sex workers were often unaware of the fate that awaited them.

Louali's other agency specialized in “bespoke fantasies”, including extreme sexual practices. The hygienic conditions of the sex workers who took part in these events were “minimal”. The men sometimes exhibited “aggressive” behavior and did not always obtain the consent of the victims, the case states.

Koceila Louali admits to having “intrusive” sexual practices with two women with no experience in the industry. At the release hearing, one of the cases was described as a “violent sexual assault” because Louali allegedly subjected the woman to extremely degrading sexual practices.

At the beginning of December, victims gave moving statements in court. Judge Jean-Jacques Gagné wanted to honor their “courage and resilience” on Wednesday by endorsing the joint proposal of a prison sentence of 11 years and 11 months.

“He is condemned because he failed miserably. He overestimated his abilities and underestimated those of his victims. They were scarred for life. “But they seem to be slowly regaining their confidence,” the judge said.

Taking into account the preventive detention, he still has around eight years left in prison. He will also be placed on the sex offenders register for 20 years.

Me Delphine Mauger represented the prosecutor, while Me Giuseppe Battista and Me Laurence Juillet defended the perpetrator.