Tonight in Italy Annalisa Chirico breaks up Fedez quotCrazyquot The

Tonight in Italy, Annalisa Chirico breaks up Fedez: "Crazy" The weather

Ferragni case: It's not just those who talk about the influencer. Her husband Fedez also comes into the spotlight. Annalisa Chirico spoke about it in the episode of Stasera Italia broadcast on December 20 on Rete4. The journalist points the finger at her husband's incorrect or ambiguous behavior.

“This husband steals the show from his wife whenever he can,” explains Annalisa Chirico. “He did it in Sanremo by kissing the singer and imitating a sexual act while sitting in the front row while his wife co-hosted the festival.” And again the other day. When I saw this story on Instagram I said it wasn't possible for him to do that. Firstly, it was clear that the figures he gave about the Lombardy region and the Ministry of Culture were completely wrong, moreover difficult Italian on some points. But then it didn't seem possible to me that he distances himself from his wife for half of the video at such a sensitive moment for his wife. That is, he made a video in which he pretended to defend his wife, but in reality he even said: “We have different companies.” I use a charitable foundation, she is an independent woman, I have nothing to do with it . I thought it was a crazy video and if I were Ferragni I would have resented it.