Andressa Urach reveals that she has given up prostitution I

Andressa Urach reveals that she has given up prostitution: “I am a millionaire Itatiaia

Porn actress and former stage assistant Andressa Urach announced that she has given up prostitution. In an interview with the magazine “Quem” she says that she has now earned money in other ways and is “a millionaire”. The former fazenda also plans to retire after some time.

In June this year, Urach announced that he would return to prostitution and resume his activities at the adult entertainment nightclub Gruta Azul in Porto Alegre. She last appeared there in 2021 when she was still pregnant with her youngest son Leon.

Now the model has a new way to make money and it is successful. “Since I earn very well on adult platforms, I no longer prostitute myself. I stopped the programs. If I think I need it in the future, I will come again. But now I don’t do it anymore,” he said.

“Now I’m a millionaire selling adult content. “I broke the record for content sales again on just one of the platforms,” he celebrated.

According to Andressa, she is investing all her money so that she can retire in the future. “I have no money in my account. The money comes in, I buy cheap properties that give me rent. I already have six properties. They provide me with a good monthly income,” he said.

“My goal is to devote another four years to adult content and then retire. But I don't know… Maybe I'm a skinny grandma who works with adult content. I always change my mind,” he explained.

Even on vacation, she emphasizes that she won't stop delivering adult content recorded by her firstborn: “I have a lot of recordings ready that haven't aired yet.” I even have two months' worth of content! So during my short vacation the platform works normally. But I will start recording more content again in early January.”

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