Mexico has complied with the United Nations National Action Plan

Mexico has complied with the United Nations National Action Plan for Women

The document circulating today was signed by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense, Navy, Security and the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres).

This is the second report on the activities carried out in 2022 to fulfill the objectives of the PNA in accordance with a UN resolution, the aim of which is to ensure the full, substantial and equal participation of women at all levels and in all sectors, including the security sector, to promote.

Also, make visible their role and contribution as key actors in preventing conflict, maintaining and building peace, and rebuilding the social fabric.

The PNA report describes the activities that the participating authorities of the Government of Mexico have developed within their powers in the areas recommended in the reports of the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the women's agenda.

Highlights, among other things, Mexico's activities and contributions in its second year as co-chair of the Informal Expert Group on Women, Peace and Security during its non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council in 2021-2022, to contribute to its mainstreaming Agenda in the work of this committee.

In 2022, the Ministry of Defense continued to promote women's substantive participation in UN peacekeeping operations as well as their training to work on these types of commissions. In addition, forums, conferences and workshops were held to raise awareness of gender issues among men and women.

For its part, the Navy stated that in the same year, 50 percent of all deployed personnel were uniformed women, consistent with Mexico's commitment to promote greater participation of uniformed women in this United Nations program.

Likewise, the Security Department has prepared the Municipal Guide “Women, Territories, Peace and Security”, aimed at local governments to standardize criteria and methods for approaching citizen security, taking into account the gender perspective.

Finally, in coordination with the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, Inmujeres implemented the network strategy of women peacemakers in 31 federal units, in which 18,432 women participated, by creating 630 networks and strengthening other 214. mem/lma