1703209940 Carole Bouquet defends Gerard Depardieu her former companion I am

Carole Bouquet defends Gérard Depardieu, her former companion: “I am afraid for him” – Le Journal de Montréal

French actress Carole Bouquet, former partner of Gérard Depardieu, against whom several complaints of rape and sexual assault are pending and who is at the center of a scandal that has spilled into the political media, said on television on Thursday evening that she was “afraid for him”.

• Also read: “No, we are not proud of Gérard Depardieu,” says former President François Hollande

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“I have a real problem with what is happening with Gérard at the moment… I am afraid for him,” explained the actress on the Quotidien show on TMC, defending him, who was his companion for ten years and a beloved actor before he fell into disgrace.

“This media tribunal continues, it's been going on for months and it's killing a man. I can't support it. “I don’t feel any tenderness at all for someone who turns out to be a monster, but that’s not the case with Gérard,” she continued.

Carole Bouquet defends Gérard Depardieu, her former companion: “I’m afraid for him”


“Gérard is capable of being rude and sometimes having borderline humor, but he is not capable of hurting a woman,” she assured, recalling experiencing “ten years of sexuality” with him.

“Let’s stop the indulgence,” she urged again.

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, the daughter of the actress Julie Depardieu, spoke publicly on television and in front of her family members in a forum in defense of Gérard Depardieu, who was accused based on one of the two complaints made against him in France and who refuted these accusations .