Chiara Ferragni the social silence of the whole family and

Chiara Ferragni, the social silence of the whole family (and the flight of brands and followers)

The photo has been up for about a week Chiara Ferragni stands out Information pages the whole world. First Italy, of course, but they also started talking about it abroad, from the BBC to Bilde and the Chron. The reason? There Heavy fine imposed by the cartel office following the Pandori case Balocco (over a million euros to two companies attributable to it), which had an overwhelming effect public discussionon the Internet and on television.

And in this moment of maximum global attention, It's exactly the one that disappears from the radar The protagonist. From the tender shot of his daughter in the elf version of Santa Clauspublished a week ago, on the entrepreneur profile the frost has fallen. The first two stories I want to explain his point of viewthen a video posted in the feed in which he explains his reasons, apologizes for the “communication error” and announces a charitable donation of one million euros.

On the other hand, she and Balocco are accused of making it public “Pandoro Pink Christmas” Make it clear to consumers that if they had bought it, they would have done so contributed for a donationRegina Margherita Hospital. “But the donation had already been made months earlier by Balocco alone,” explained the guarantee authority. «My mistake is honest» she replied in the clip. “Unfortunately you can make mistakes and when they happen you have to admit them Try to fix it».

Of that very commented ClipIn fact, everything stopped: for three days No posts, no stories. The same goes for her husband's profile, which has been the focus of the latest published content another controversy, always associated with charity, but with Lombardy region regarding the intensive care room that was built in record time San Raffaele with fundraising amid the Covid pandemic. No updates from home FerragnezIn short, a case that is more unique than rare.

It is not known whether this is the case a strategy or simply a moment to reorganize your ideas, What is certain is that the case continues outside create debate. From the question Easter eggs when opening a case dossier Power of attorneyeven made it into the headlines the tracksuit worn at the last social appearance, it sold out immediately. Lastly, in chronological order, the decision of Safiloa group specializing in Made in Italy eyewear, from Step away by the entrepreneur.

«Safilo Group communicates Termination of the license agreement for the design, production and distribution of Eyewear collections under the Chiara Ferragni brand,” we read in the company announcement, “following Breach of contractual obligations taken over by the brand owner”. Words that raise questions, considering that it is not done yet no connection with current events: Is there a direct connection? And especially other brands they will distance themselves?

Questions that are at issue for now impossible to answer. However, one thing is clear to Instagram analysts: thousands of users They have already stopped following Chiara Ferragni's profile. A site that, at least for now, Stay quiet.