Country and passion After watching Jussara die Lucinda experiences a

Country and passion: After watching Jussara die, Lucinda experiences a tragedy

Lucinda will experience complete chaos in Terra e Paixão

Lucinda (Debora Falabella) has always proven to be great friend of A line (Barbara Reis), who is in trouble Earth and passion. The daughter of Jussara (Taiana Tibúrcio) hides in a monastery to escape Antonio (Tony Ramos) in the plot written by Walcyr Carrasco It is Thelma Guedes.

It turns out that in the next chapters of the nine o'clock soap opera globe, Lucinda will be a witness Jussara I almost died when I discovered this A line was kidnapped.

LEARN MORE! “Assassin”: Irene turns into a dog when she finds out that Dirceu has mistreated Petra in Land and Paixão

The new president of the cooperative shows once again that she is a good friend and that she is a reliable person who fully supports her motherinlaw. Gaius (Cauã Reymond) in another difficult moment.

After seeing Jussara dying, with “white hair” without knowing anything about it A line, Lucinda becomes a card marked for death Earth and passion. The character of Deborah Falabella According to information from TV Observatory, a tragedy is imminent.

Tadeu, Gladys and Graça in Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction / Globo / Montagem TV Foco)

After Tadeu's funeral, Gladys changes radically and Graça realizes her biggest dream: Terra e Paixão explodes three bombs

Angelina and Agatha in Country and Paixão (Photo: Reproduction / Globo / Montagem TV Foco)

End of the mystery in Land and Passion: Shortly before her arrest, Angelina opens her mouth and reveals who killed Agatha

Irene, Angelina and Graça in Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction / Globo / Montagem TV Foco)

Angelina turns the demo around and throws a glass at Irene and Graça has unexpected news: Terra e Paixão has 2 bombs

An investigation is underway for ordering the kidnapping, Antonio will be angry again Marino (Leandro Lima). The police officer will be able to arrest him for kidnapping Aline. However, after receiving a habeas corpus and being released, he will promise revenge, but in a much more cruel way: will have Lucinda killed.

Delegate Marino (Leandro Lima) and Lucinda (Débora Falabella) in Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)Delegate Marino (Leandro Lima) and Lucinda (Débora Falabella) in Terra e Paixão (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)


The sister of Annely (Tatá Werneck) will be in a coma after being shot on the farmer's orders. After finding out what happened, the deputy will walk towards the mansion completely confused La Selva.

Marino will invade the mansion, ready to kill Antonio, who will be afraid. Cornered at gunpoint, the character of Tony Ramos will deny that he ordered the execution Lucinda.

However, he won't be able to convince his stepfather of this Christian (Felipe Melquíades) that he is not involved in the crime that will bring his loved one close to death.

Meanwhile, the character of Leandro Lima he will press the revolver to the rich man's neck. Outside the villa, a gunshot is heard on the nine o'clock soap opera. globe.

However, it is revealed later that the gun went off when the police managed to arrest him Marinoto stop him from committing insanity by getting blood on his hands Earth and passion.

Lucinda de Terra e Paixão (Reproduction/TV Globo)

Lucinda de Terra e Paixão (Reproduction/TV Globo)

Lucinda de Terra e Paixão (Reproduction/TV Globo)

Lucinda de Terra e Paixão (Reproduction/TV Globo)

Lucinda de Terra e Paixão (Reproduction/TV Globo)

Lucinda de Terra e Paixão (Reproduction/TV Globo)


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