Farewell to the Champions League The European Union court rules

Farewell to the Champions League?: The European Union court rules in favor of the Super League

Farewell to the Champions League The European Union court rules

Shortly before the end of 2023, to the surprise of football fans and executives, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) ruled in favor of the Super League against UEFA and FIFA. This tournament, created by current Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez, has sparked much controversy in recent months.

In this context, it is clear that one of the advantages for the clubs that favor the creation of the Super League is that neither UEFA nor FIFA can sanction participating teams such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​etc. ​among others. The competition format they promote consists of 64 participants divided into three groups, with a champion in each of them and the inclusion of promotions and relegations to make it an “open competition”.

“This ruling does not constitute an endorsement or confirmation of the so-called 'Super League'; Rather, it highlights a pre-existing deficit within UEFA's prior authorization framework, a technical aspect that was already identified and addressed in June 2022. UEFA is confident of the robustness of its new rules and, in particular, that they comply with all relevant European laws. and regulations,” wrote UEFA for its part.

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How is it played?

It is a competition organized by several clubs. The idea is that everyone gets into a system based on sporting merit in a system in which 60 or 80 clubs from the “old continent” take part. Of course, this competition would not violate the national leagues, but rather be an entertaining tournament that would bring direct income to all participants.

The Super League wanted to defend the new football model in a presentation by Bernd Reichart, CEO of A22, in which he assured that “the new competition proposal is the result of an extensive dialogue over the last 18 months with many people from the world.” Football involved.” In addition, it was confirmed that there will be slight differences between men and women.

In men's football, 64 participants are set and are divided into three groups: Star and Gold, each with 16 teams; and blue, with the remaining 32 – including relegations and ascents. Additionally, teams can join the blue group based on their performances in their national competitions.

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After 14 games per group, qualifying rounds will be played from the quarterfinals onwards, in which four teams per group will be classified to determine the champions. This means there will be a champion for each group; Adapting to what is currently happening with the Champions League, Europa League and Conference League.

Women's football, on the other hand, will work in the same way, but with the difference that it will have fewer teams (32), divided into the Star and Gold groups.

“The clubs will be masters of their fate”

Florentino Pérez from Real Madrid Sports City spoke about the decision of the European judicial system in favor of the Super League. “At Real Madrid we welcome with great satisfaction the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which is responsible for guaranteeing our principles, values ​​and freedoms. In the coming days we will carefully consider the scope of this resolution. From today on, the clubs will be masters of their fate,” he explained. The Barcelona club also expressed its satisfaction in a statement.