39Obsessed with murder39 Two teenagers found guilty of stabbing friend

'Obsessed with murder': Two teenagers found guilty of stabbing friend

Two teenagers obsessed with murder and torture were sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday after being found guilty of murdering a transgender teenager who was stabbed 28 times in a park last February.

“This is a senseless murder committed by two murder-obsessed teenagers,” complained Nigel Parr, senior investigator at Cheshire Police, according to The Guardian.

On Wednesday, the two teenagers, a girl and a boy, whose identities are being protected by the court for now, didn't bat an eyelid when they received their unanimous guilty verdict from the jury for the murder of 16-year-old Brianna Ghey. emphasized the British media

Her mother cried in the audience.

“You have lost a child and will have to live the rest of your life knowing what your child did,” stressed the mother of the young victim, calling on the public to show “compassion and sympathy” to the parents of the killers.

It was only last February that the two teenagers carried out their long-term murder plan, although they had originally planned to kill another boy before the plan fell through after they failed to lure him to a park, thousands of WhatsApp users report Messages exchanged before the murder.

They then allegedly decided to lure the young transgender woman, who the teenager, who bragged about watching torture videos on the Internet, was “obsessed” with, to a public park in Warrington, England, in broad daylight to kill her 28 times to stab, it's called “The Guardian”.

The boy, for his part, called the victim “prey” and wrote that she was easier to kill and that he “wanted to see if she would scream like a man or a girl,” according to British media.

“Brianna Ghey was the victim of a frantic and vicious attack […] “Girls’ verdict according to The Guardian.”

The jury reportedly spent just four hours and 40 minutes deliberating before returning their conclusion, which immediately handed the two teenagers life sentences.

However, the judge, Judge Yip, must determine the minimum sentence to be served and consider the question of whether the publication of the identities of the two young murderers can be restricted to determine whether their names can be used or not. They will return to court next month.