1703262749 Dollarama and Amazon warehouses CNESST criticized –

Dollarama and Amazon warehouses: CNESST criticized –

Politicians, experts and workers' rights advocates are deploring the lack of action by the Quebec Commission on Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) at Amazon and Dollarama warehouses in the province.

In a recently published study, researchers showed that the commission intervened less in non-union environments where workers are more precarious. For their part, the opposition parties want the state to address the issue.

Geneviève Baril-Gingras is director of ergonomics programs at the University of Laval. She contributed to the Interuniversity and Interdisciplinary Research Group on Employment, Poverty and Social Protection (GIREPS) study focusing on workers at Amazon and Dollarama warehouses in the Montreal region.

The researcher focused on CNESST interventions in these workplaces by comparing non-union camps with other union camps. One of the results is that the Commission files far fewer notices of correction in non-union environments than in union environments.

She also notes that there are more complaints in unionized workplaces. “The employees made it clear to us in the survey that there is a lack of awareness of their rights,” explains the researcher. They fear that filing a complaint with the CNESST is known to harm their immigration record.

One might think that in workplaces where workers are more at risk, more attention would be paid to compensate for their vulnerability.

Ms Baril-Gingras also points to other problems, such as the announcement of visits by CNESST inspectors the day before their visit to the company.

She cites the air quality problem in Dollarama as an example, noting that 78% of respondents complain about dust. She points out that employees say in interviews that they wear a mask because there is too much dust in the warehouse, and some even report respiratory problems.

But the inspector assigned to intervene during that period says, “Well, there is no dust problem at Dollarama.” When the inspector announces his visit, do we clean up? I don't have the answer. It is a practice that can be questioned, says the researcher.

The Dollarama sign on a building.

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Dollarama's warehouses would be dusty and the air would be difficult to breathe.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Ivanoh Demers

In the report, the scientists make several recommendations, some of which directly impact the CNESST and its interventions. Among their suggestions is that the commission fund an Office of Workers' Counsel, a body that would help defend non-union workers in the province.

The philosophy of CNESST is the community-based approach. The idea is that inspectors cannot be everywhere and in all facilities. The prerequisite for this support is representative participation of employees. And this requires the support of non-union members, emphasizes Geneviève Baril-Gingras.

According to Roch Lafrance, general secretary of the Union of Injured or Sick Workers (UTTAM), Quebec is the only province in Canada that does not have such offices.

The spokesman was also very critical of the CNESST, which, in his opinion, was suffering from a lack of staff. Michel Chartrand said at the time that there were more game wardens than CNESST inspectors. That still applies today, he claims.

In his opinion, as long as there is a lack of inspectors in the Commission, nothing will change.

Response from CNESST, Amazon and Dollarama

According to a CNESST spokesman, in recent months the Commission has proactively intervened on several occasions with the companies Amazon and Dollarama to review the management of risks related to health and safety at work and respect for labor rights obligations.

In addition, the CNESST has read the report and a meeting with the researchers is scheduled for the end of January to discuss four specific recommendations, we assure.

The Amazon logo on a warehouse in Montreal, June 2022.

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Amazon's Montreal warehouse reportedly poses health and safety issues for workers. (File photo)

Photo: The Canadian Press / Ryan Remiorz

As for Amazon and Dollarama, the companies sent their statements via email.

Amazon says workplace health and safety is the company's top priority. Our Montreal distribution center has a health and safety committee made up of employee representatives elected by their colleagues, which abides by the law but also gives responsibility to each individual, she says.

The vote to form this committee took place in the summer, a process approved by the Commission.

Dollarama, in turn, says it provides a safe and clean work environment. In a written response, the company states that surface care is carried out several times a day.

Regarding the complaints, Dollarama says workers attend meetings of a health and safety committee — a committee that the company says meets regularly and is made up of representatives from human resources, distribution center management, as well as employees and contract workers.

Dollarama said the agency's mission is to handle health and safety incidents and complaints.

In the political chapter

Opposition parties in the National Assembly are calling for the publication of the GIREPS report to continue.

The Quebec Liberal Party has asked that the issue be examined by the Economic and Labor Committee. This approach would give us a better overview of the problem, says official opposition spokesperson on labor issues Madwa-Nika Cadet.

Solidarity MP Alexandre Leduc plans to present a bill based on researchers' recommendations at the next parliamentary session.

I think we need government intervention, primarily involving the CNESST, but politicians and elected officials need to be involved. We can't sit there with our arms folded and say, 'Well, we'll see if they unionize, if things improve,'” the representative said in an interview.

The office of Labor Minister Jean Boulet responded by email at the time of publication of the report, reiterating that the minister was sensitive to the situation of the workers covered in the study.

However, the elected official is convinced that the CNESST has all the necessary powers to ensure their protection and respect for their rights and working conditions.