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Shipping companies charge extra fees after attacks in the Red Sea

Some of the world's largest shipping companies, including Maersk and CMA CGM, announced additional freight charges after they had to reroute ships following attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

The surcharges, intended to cover longer voyages around Africa compared to routes through the Suez Canal, will add to recent increases in shipping costs since Yemen's Houthi militant group began attacking ships.

Maersk and CMA CGM were the first to introduce the fees, followed by Germany's HapagLloyd on Friday.

The three are among major shipping companies that have suspended ships' passage through the Red Sea, which connects to the Suez Canal on the fastest shipping route between Asia and Europe.

Instead, companies are directing ships around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, adding about 10 days to a journey that would normally take about 27 days from China to northern Europe.

Citing “serious operational disruptions”, Maersk on Thursday evening announced the imposition of an immediate traffic disruption surcharge (TDS) to cover the additional costs associated with the longer journey, in addition to a seasonal surcharge (PSS) from January 1.

In a note to customers, logistics company CH Robinson Worldwide said it had diverted more than 25 ships to southern Africa in the last week.

CH Robinson also said cancellations and price increases are expected to continue in the first quarter and recommended customers book four to six weeks in advance to guarantee space on ships.

Maersk said a standard 20foot container traveling from China to Northern Europe will now incur additional charges totaling $700, consisting of $200 for TDS and $500 for PSS.

CMA CGM announced late Thursday the imposition of surcharges, including an additional $325 per 20foot container traveling from northern Europe to Asia and $500 per 20foot container traveling from Asia to the Mediterranean.

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