Bianca Guaccero the passion for him skyrocketed it finally came

Bianca Guaccero, the passion for him skyrocketed: it finally came to light, she could no longer hide it iFood

Bianca GuacceroBianca Guaccero – (Photo by Ansa)

She finally came out and confessed everything she feels for him. Now their love has no secrets from anyone.

She never denied that she had an excellent relationship with him, but Now that they have been seen together, it is confirmed that they not only have a good relationship but much more. In fact, what she feels for him is true love.

They're so close They even spent their birthday together. Bianca Guaccero was probably very happy about that she wanted nothing more than him.

However, you have to be careful because as much as you love it, unfortunately it has one big mistakeThat means it doesn't allow her to eat healthy. Fortunately, however, with a good diet and constant physical training, Bianca Guaccero manages to overcome the obstacle between them and keep the relationship stable.

He attaches great importance to his physical condition and works hard to maintain it. However, the love she feels for him is so great that she can't help but say no to him.

A varied diet and constant training

But this is how Bianca Guaccero manages to stay fit and heavy only 55 kilos. The merit lies not in a strict diet or intensive physical training, but in a balanced diet and from one light but constant training.

In fact, his meals include… varied but not too high-calorie foods and a significant consumption of fruits and vegetables. These last foods in particular should never be missing from his fridge. As for exercise, Bianca Guaccero likes to practice it to stay fit. In fact, he performs three times a week Aerobic exercises which help keep his body dry and supple.

Baked noodlesBaked pasta – (Photo by Depositphoto)

The love you can't say no to

Although Bianca Guaccero places particular emphasis on her physical condition, There is someone preventing them from asserting themselves in this way. However, every now and then the presenter loves him so much he treats himself to something and consumes it.

So the one who conquered Bianca Guaccero's heart is not a human being, but a food, or rather a beauty Plate of white baked pasta with ham, mushrooms and mozzarella. He loves it so much he even had it done on his birthday And even if it's not a health-promoting food, you just can't do without it and find yourself eating it every now and then.

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