Antonino Cannavacciuolo rushed to the hospital turned into a rag

Antonino Cannavacciuolo rushed to the hospital: turned into a rag by them | Chilled conclusion iFood

Antonino CannavacciuoloAntonino Cannavacciuolo – (Photo by Ansa)

Today he is a successful chef, but his life has some scary backstories. One of them involves a trip to the hospital.

He is one of the greatest reference points of Italian cuisine and a chef that everyone appreciates for his personality.

Everyone thinks about it The gentle giant of the kitchen, both because of his size and because of the delicate character that he hides behind a seemingly harsh demeanorwhich makes him particularly frightening.

It's not clear how he acquired this side of himself, but it probably is due to some events that shook his life and shaped him and made him exactly what he is today. One of them is particularly painful because it involves an urgent hospitalization.

The chef told everything in an interview for Il corriere della sera. Of that Many details have come to light about his personal lifebut especially about that rush to the hospital that froze everyone.

A not exactly rosy childhood

If life smiles on him today and the chef is a particularly determined person, he probably owes it to what happened to him in the past. To the moments of suffering he experienced. Antonino Cannavacciuolo's past is not easy to tell, because that is what it is full of difficult and painful momentsas he experienced it on his first job in the kitchen.

The chef said he was beaten up several times at work by the chef he worked for, so much so that he did this he often ended his shift with injured arms. This chef probably would have been arrested today, but Antonino Cannavacciuolo He never denied that the experience helped him a lot. However, that has nothing to do with the rush to the hospital.

ambulanceAmbulance – (Photo by Depositphoto)

An urgent rush to the hospital

There was a time in the chef's youth when Antonino Cannavacciuolo Because of the fatigue, he had bouts of fever. In fact, his father let him sleep in his car during those moments.

However, there was a time he was hospitalizedbecause he had suffered from so much fatigue and stress His legs suddenly became very swollen. What a fright that must have given your parents. However, this episode also helped him become the person he is today. A determined, strong man, but with a big heart of gold.

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