Brigitte Bardot against Islam quotI don39t want to die in

Brigitte Bardot against Islam: "I don't want to die in Muslim France"

Health worries are over, Brigitte Bardot returns to the accusation against them Muslims. The French film star has never hidden his thoughtsIslam and in an interview in front of the ValeursActeurs microphones, she was not subtle. “Where will we end up?” is the question of the 89-year-old, who faces a “miserable and mediocre” everyday life. As expected, Islam is in the crosshairs: “I would have once said that I didn't want to live in an Islamized France. Today I say this I don't want to die in an Islamized France“.

“It is Islam in general, the Islamist invasion, that is terribly dangerous for French identity and culture. It is the opposite of our civilization,” said Brigitte Bradot, who was grateful to be safe with her animals in her “little paradise” in Saint-Tropez. The interpreter of “Contempt” focused on the case of the murder of Samuel Paty, the high school teacher from Arras killed by a radicalized student, and on the case of the tourist murdered near the Eiffel Tower by another Muslim was: “The murderers are often Islamist.” Origin and take responsibility for it. Unfortunately, these are often psychopaths français de papier (migrants who only have a French document, editor's note).” The actress therefore demanded one psychiatric examination to all migrants who enter the country before they have been granted the right to asylum and French nationality.

When asked about her relationship to faith, Brigitte Bardot did not shy away from criticism Pope Francis. “That’s dishonest,” he accused: “I can’t see it, it’s doing a lot of damage to the church.” And again: “He resembles the representative of the devil.” […] I adored John Paul II, I remember our wonderful meeting, unique, very warm, he was not a politician at all. I will never meet the current Pope. He doesn't care about Eastern Christians and never talks about them.” The allegations also included not personally responding to two letters the actress had sent to the Vatican. But even worse than the pontiff, according to Bardot, is the French president Emmanuel Macron, defined as “zero in everything that concerns France, its people and its animals”. Hence the desire for “an authoritarian government” to rise from the ashes. There was no shortage of unbridled dialogue and cultural blame woke up, in his opinion a “ridiculous trend”. I also vote negatively for the feminists: “Their struggle is ridiculous and pointless.” Brigitte Bardot has once again confirmed that diplomacy is not one of her priorities.