Owner of Choquei blocks profile after suicide of young man

Shocked case: Gustavo Gayer demands investigation from the MPF Revista Oeste

Federal MP Gustavo Gayer (PLGO) filed a lawsuit with parliament Federal Ministry of Public Sector (MPF) against Mynd8, the entertainment agency that coordinates this I was shocked. The gossip profile has been one of the most discussed topics on the Internet since last Friday the 22nd because it has been defamed Jessica Canedo, 22 years old. The young woman committed suicide.

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In the complaint, the parliamentarian says that the company Mynd8 manages dozens of profiles on the Internet and is building a “digital bank” with the aim of “destroying reputations”.

I have just filed a complaint against MYND8 with the MPF, requesting an investigation into the criminal reputationdamaging scheme involving gossip sites that led to Jessica's suicide.

— Gustavo Gayer (@GayerGus) December 23, 2023

Gayer tells the MPF that these pages have millions of followers and regularly publish hundreds of the same posts.

“It is very difficult to say that there is not very strong coordination between these sides designed to help or harm people,” he said in the document.

Also read: “Digital Banking and Mynd8: the groups behind Choquei”

case of racism

The parliamentarian illustrates the “media and political power” of this company in three moments.

The first of these concerns the singer Luísa Sonza, managed by Mynd8, who, according to Gayer, committed a racist act without any of the network's gossip profiles mentioning the act in their publications.

“Many believe that digital banking was activated by the authority to cover up the racism case and therefore no major gossip site has proudly reported this case,” he signaled.

Interference in elections

The demonstration also mentions that “the relationship that certain gossip sites managed by Mynd8 have with the Lula government is public knowledge.”

“The mobilization of major parties in favor of a single candidate was remarkable,” the parliamentarian said, referring to the period of the last presidential election campaign in 2022.

He recalled that at the time of the elections, the digital bank's pages “praised current President Lula (PT)” and wrote “negative posts” about former President Bolsonaro and then presidential candidate Ciro Gomes.

Gustavo Gayer says that the current government has “directly benefited from digital banking,” considering that “without exception, all of its opponents in the presidential election campaign were attacked.”

slander and suicide

Jessica CanedoJessica CanedoJéssica Canedo suffered from depression and could not resist the defamation | Photo: Reproduction/Instagram

The third case reported by the federal deputy was the tragedy of Jéssica Canedo. False images of an alleged exchange of romantic messages between Vitória Canedo and comedian Whindersson Nunes were spread on the pages of the group, which has more than 30 million followers on social media. Both denied the relationship.

“Coincidentally, all the major Instagram pages posted the same fake news, on the same day, with the same conversations,” the MP emphasized.

The young woman, who lived in the interior of Minas Gerais, suffered from depression, resorted to defamation and committed suicide.

Check it out: “Choquei’s posts on Twitter/X received a ‘fake news’ warning”

“This case does not necessarily involve the direct involvement of Mynd8, but it highlights a big problem: how the coordination of large sites can destroy a person's life,” argued Gustavo Gayer, who called on the MPF to open an investigation against the company in order to to determine possible causes of crime.