More relationship crises at Christmas OO

More relationship crises at Christmas OÖ


Many couples experience conflicts and arguments at Christmas of all times. For many spouses and couples, the upcoming vacation will also be a test, experts say.

12/24/2023 07.52

Online since today, 7:52 am

Often, expectations during the contemplative period are too high and unresolved conflicts from the past arise again during this period, says Alicja Michalik. She works as a couples counselor at the Carpe Diem health center in Linz.

Previous arguments are unearthed

It is not uncommon for disputes between couples to end up with a couples counselor. Especially around the holidays, many people realize that things can no longer go on as they used to. There are many triggers for arguments at Christmas, for example when work projects have to be completed just before Christmas, children want to be entertained but money can also be an issue or alcohol which is often served at Christmas .

Follow the time of love

Furthermore, expectations are very high. Many people want to take advantage of the Christmas holidays to bring together all the harmony and unity that fell into oblivion during the year. Violent clashes also occur more frequently at Christmas, notes Sylvia Klaffenböck from the Violence Protection Center in Upper Austria: “It starts with devaluations, with insults – which can also happen in front of children. Those people who live in violent relationships realize exactly when the situation comes to a head.”

200 families affected by violence

It is not uncommon for the police to intervene at Christmas and even prohibit entry and proximity. This happens almost 200 times in December in Upper Austria, and mainly men are rejected. According to the expert, the numbers have remained high recently: 200 times is equivalent to 200 families.

In January, many of those affected end up in counseling centers. Experts therefore recommend paying more attention to each other so that the desired harmony is achieved when giving gifts.