Neymar opened a photo album on his social networks this Sunday, December 24, on the occasion of Christmas Eve. In the clicks, the player appeared with his children Davi Lucca, 12 years old, and Mavie, 2 months old, Bruna Biancardi and friends.
1 of 6 Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with his children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Instagram Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with his children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Instagram 2 of 6 Neymar published Photos in which he celebrates Christmas with his children, friends and Bruna Biancardi and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Instagram Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with his children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Instagram 3 of 6 Neymar publishes photos, in which he celebrates Christmas with his children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Instagram Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with his children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Instagram
In addition to his children and his exwife Bruna BiancardiNeymar also took photos with some close friends.
4 of 6 Neymar with Mavie at the side of his friend Cris Guedes Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Neymar with Mavie at the side of his friend Cris Guedes Photo: Reproduction/Instagram 5 of 6 Neymar publishes photos of how he spends Christmas with children, friends and Bruna Biancardi celebrates Photo: Reproduction / Instagram Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Reproduction / Instagram 6 of 6 Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with children, friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Reproduction/Instagram Neymar publishes photos in which he celebrates Christmas with children, friends and friends and Bruna Biancardi Photo: Reproduction/Instagram
In Stories, Neymar reposted the photos and wrote: “My princess“in a click with Mavie and “My dears” on a photo of the baby and Davi Lucca. In the caption of the carousel on his Instagram, Neymar wrote: “Merry Christmas.” However, he limited comments on the post.
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