Archaeological Discoveries That Impacted the World in 2023

Archaeological Discoveries That Impacted the World in 2023

Archaeological Discoveries That Impacted the World in 2023

Athens, December 24th. – This year saw significant discoveries in the field of archaeology, such as the discovery of an ancient Greek catacomb in southern Italy, in Naples.

According to the Artnews portal, further evidence has also come to light of an ancient temple that now lies underwater in a sunken city off the coast of Egypt.

Perhaps some of the most interesting finds involved innovative technologies that allowed archaeologists to dig deeper, but others are linked to current events, including the ancient Greek city of Cyrene, which emerged after floods in Libya.

Some early settlements, such as a Neolithic monument and a mysterious sanctuary on the Scottish island of Arran and the Dutch city of Tiel, respectively, were also identified in 2023, providing a deeper understanding of their ancient societies.

Treasures of cultural significance were also revealed, such as a three-thousand-year-old sealed corridor in a vast temple complex in Chavín, Peru; and sixty mummified corpses found in two tombs in the ancient Egyptian city of Luxor.

And while it's not a discovery, the Vatican was shocked to see an ancient Roman necropolis reopen to the public. (Text and photo: PL)