Video Manuel Turizo39s forceful response to criticism for kissing his

Video: Manuel Turizo's forceful response to criticism for kissing his mother on the mouth

One of the most common discussions on social media is about parents who give Kisses on the mouth with her children as a sign of affection and affection.

Recently, the debate has intensified after the singer Manuel Turizo He uploaded photos of himself giving his mother kisses on Instagram. However, the negative comments didn't take long to arrive. This was the interpreter's response to the criticism.

(Also read: Manuel Turizo kisses his mother on the mouth and criticizes the networks: “How strange”).

The criticism the singer received

A large number of Internet users were critical of Turizo's actions with his mother. “Why do you normalize mouth kissing among parents?”How strange that he kisses his mother like that” or “It happens as a child. But as adults… How strange!” some users stated.

(Read more: Manuel Turizo competes with Mariah Carey, Cher and Elton John this Christmas).

However, there are those who point out that it is a common display of affection and that there is nothing unusual about it. “If you kiss a stranger, I don't see any problem with him kissing his mother.. “The mental problem is yours,” said one follower of the singer.

Manuel Turizo

The artist shared a series of photos that sparked controversy.


Instagram: @manuelturizo

Manuel Turizo's answer

Due to the great controversy that the Colombian singer caused on social networks, he decided to upload one reaction to criticism His followers did this via a reel.

“Mommy, give me a kiss,” was the sentence the performer began the recording with. His mother then listened to his words and gave him something two kisses on the mouth and two more in other areas of his face.

Then Marcela Zapata, the singer's mother, made a comment. “You are brave,” said the woman.

(You can read: Manuel Turizo: “More than romantic, I am a man hopeless to die”).

Finally, Turizo said with a sarcastic tone, “Oh, he kissed her on the mouth,” indicating that for him it is a normal act and shows nothing more than love and affection.

However, the criticism continues and there are those who believe that it is not right to normalize this form of affection between parents and children. “As much as they want to normalize it, it's not good and it's not right.“said one of the singer's followers.

Nataly Barrera

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