1703534561 Insidious risk this element will cause confusion on Christmas Day

Insidious risk: this element will cause confusion on Christmas Day – MétéoMédia

Published on December 24, 2023 at 10:14 p.m.

Despite the province's lack of a system, a foggy haze could make travel difficult on Christmas Day and the morning of Dec. 26. Details.

Traveling in the fog

Road users should drive carefully on the morning of December 25th. Fog, which is dense at times, makes road conditions difficult and even dangerous. In places, clouds of fog will storm the streets. This condition will last until the next morning.

FOG 1 (1)FOG 1 (1)

Depending on the sector, visibility can be reduced to zero at times. It should be reduced for visibility below 800 meters. It is considered zero if it is less than 200 meters.


Since temperatures could drop below freezing in places overnight, this fog could also freeze onto surfaces. Therefore, in colder areas, roads can become icy in places, which is also a danger that should not be underestimated.

What exactly is fog in winter?

Fog usually forms when there is a mass of warm, moist air at altitude that moves to lower altitudes where the air mass is colder. Since the air at altitude is full of water, as it approaches the ground it is saturated and this water must condense.


In addition, the drops that form the fog release the stored heat through condensation, which helps melt the snow on the ground. As it melts, it increases humidity, increases fog… and so on.


This danger will actually exist on December 25th and 26th. Caution remains advised.

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