War against Gaza Israel hires thousands of mercenaries El Watan

War against Gaza: Israel hires thousands of mercenaries El Watan

Since the start of Israel's land offensive in the Gaza Strip, highly paid mercenaries of various nationalities have joined the ranks of the occupying army.

In recent days, simple assumptions have become proven facts. The Israeli occupier employs thousands of mercenaries in its war to exterminate the civilian population in Ghaza. They come from several countries, mainly the USA, France, Germany, Albania and Spain.

Since the beginning of the Israeli ground offensive in the Gaza Strip, they have been highly paid to join the ranks of the occupying army.

In fact, this practice, denounced a few weeks ago by the Palestinian resistance, was recently confirmed by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, which interviewed a notorious Spanish mercenary, in this case Pedro Diaz Flores.

The latter has already fought alongside neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine and claims he has “joined the Israeli Defense Forces.” According to him, “many groups of mercenaries were recruited by the Israeli army, which pays them very well.”

It also appears that, in addition to attractive remuneration, these mercenaries “benefit from high-quality equipment and work in a relatively quiet environment.” “The payments amount to 3,900 euros per week, plus other additional assignments,” he says.

Pedro Diaz Flores also points out that “mercenaries provide security support to the arms convoys and troops of the Israeli Defense Forces present in the Gaza Strip” and denies “their direct involvement in hostilities against Hamas.”

A few days ago, an investigation by Europe 1 revealed that 4,185 French people are mobilized within the Israeli occupation army in Gaza. The news prompted the MP for La France insoumise (LFI) to react and call for the “trial of these fighters in France for war crimes.” “This is the largest contingent after that of the United States.

Given the war crimes committed by the Israeli army in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the involvement of French citizens is unacceptable.

“While the UN, through several of its special rapporteurs, warns of the risks of genocide and that more than 17,000 Palestinians have been killed, the presence of citizens of French nationality dishonors France,” said the French parliamentarian indignantly.

A multinational of death

He also calls on France to “condemn with the utmost firmness this involvement in war crimes.” “I ask the Minister of Justice that persons of French nationality (including dual nationals) guilty of war crimes be brought before the French justice system.

Colonization is a crime against humanity. French citizens who take part in it in the Palestinian territories must also answer for their actions in court,” he added.

These revelations confirm that the Israeli army is becoming a multinational of death whose goal is the annihilation of the Palestinians in Ghaza. Recently, the government in South Africa had to react decisively to prevent the recruitment of its nationals into the ranks of the Israeli army.

He threatened to prosecute the culprits and to revoke the South African citizenship of naturalized people who join the Israeli occupation army in Gaza.

In response to this new situation, the World Anti-Corruption Organization (Omsac) strongly condemns the use of foreign mercenaries by the Israeli army as part of its offensive in the Gaza Strip.

“Omsac expresses deep concern about the use of foreign mercenaries in armed conflicts and calls for in-depth international investigations into this issue. It is crucial to determine the extent to which such mercenary operations comply with international law.

“Allegations of the use of mercenaries in an armed conflict raise questions about the legitimacy and responsibility of the parties involved,” the organization said in a statement.

Omsac assures that it will continue to monitor this matter closely and advocate for appropriate international action to shed light on these operations and ensure that the perpetrators of these activities are brought to justice.

“Fighting impunity in armed conflict is a pillar of Omsac’s mission, which is committed to promoting transparency, integrity and ethics worldwide,” the same document said.