In an interview with Prensa Latina after the recent referendum on the constitutional project, Carmona said that the consultation had drawn several lessons, including the urgency of public action to address the country's most important problems.
In the referendum in December, the text promoted by the far-right Republican Party and the conservative alliance Chile Vamos was soundly rejected with 55.76 percent of the vote, almost 12 points above the “for” vote.
“The first conclusion is that the proposal of the most reactionary right, which deepened the neoliberal model and represented a setback to the achievements of the popular movement, women and workers, was harshly rejected,” explained Carmona.
She explained that the project called into question an achievement achieved thanks to the mobilization of millions of women: the voluntary termination of pregnancy for three reasons: non-viability of the fetus, danger to the life of the mother or rape.
Also at stake were gender equality, the possibility of equal pay for equal work and the guarantee of the right to strike.
Another controversial point is the possibility of prison benefits for prisoners in Punta Peuco convicted of crimes against humanity.
The CCP President highlighted the very broad demonstration by women against this project, as well as by young people and the most vulnerable socio-economic sectors.
There are two worlds in this country and the electoral map shows that the vast majority of people's communes voted against the proposal, he explained.
He explained that the lowest pensions here were due to hunger and were not even enough to cover remedies (medicines), so it was a state of impoverishment.
He admitted that public policy ignores parts of the middle class. If you do a survey here, the vast majority are debtors who need to make mortgage payments.
“Who will ensure that the interest rates are correct and not as abusive as they are in Chile today?” he asked.
Carmona reiterated the need to advance overarching political agreements that will enable the realization of a fiscal compact and pension reform.
This has not been resolved because the right is still reacting with the death rattle of a drowning man and denying salt and water to the projects debated in parliament that benefit the people, he assured.
The communist leader recalled that there will be an evaluation mechanism next year with local elections and in 2025 with presidential elections.