1703590706 Issues at OCPM The crisis is visible through

Issues at OCPM | The crisis is visible through text messages from executives

The former head of the Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal (OCPM) believed she could survive the crisis that rocked her organization in November and was surprised when she was publicly fired by her boyfriend Dominique Ollivier.

Published at 12:01 am. Updated at 05:00.


This is evident from the text messages exchanged by Isabelle Beaulieu and her number two Guy Grenier last month. The exchange offers a rare behind-the-scenes look at an organization in the midst of a media storm. La Presse received it thanks to the Access to Information Act.

“I won’t resign and neither will you!” The bastards will have done something wrong [sic] in the office. It is sad. But we stay. DO [Dominique Ollivier] is really in trouble,” analyzed Isabelle Beaulieu on November 6, two days after the first revelations by Quebecor journalists.

They examined the OCPM's travel and restaurant expenses and found that this very small organization was nevertheless the largest expenditure point in Montreal's municipal apparatus. A $347 Parisian oyster dinner and a long list of trips to exotic destinations have particularly left their mark.

Isabelle Beaulieu and her managing director Guy Grenier were anything but pleased to be in the media spotlight. On November 2nd, the Second sent the First an article about major job cuts at TVA. “Hehehehe,” laughs Isabelle Beaulieu. “Felix Seguin? Annabelle [Blais] ? ” she adds, naming journalists who have reported on her issues.

“I didn’t want to do anything there [sic] make our skin. Not completely. We are bored [sic] » added Ms Beaulieu on the same day. “We're fine. »

She was wrong. Three weeks later, the city council fired her from office.

“Dominique Ollivier and Plante let me go”

Preceded by this decision: the explosion of a long-standing friendship, which turned into a brutal political confrontation between Dominique Ollivier and Isabelle Beaulieu. The first led the OCPM from 2014 to 2021 after selling her communications company to her successor. The two women knew each other behind the scenes in the Parti Québécois in the early 2000s, but in November they publicly blamed each other for excessive spending at the OCPM.

The exchange of text messages shows that Dominique Ollivier communicated with Guy Grenier (also a former business partner) before the publication of Quebecor's revelations. “You haven’t spoken to them [aux journalistes], is not it ? » asks Ms Ollivier in a message to Guy Grenier, who forwards it to Isabelle Beaulieu.

Issues at OCPM The crisis is visible through


In particular, Valérie Plante (center), Isabelle Beaulieu (in brown, back), Dominique Ollivier (floral outfit, right) and Guy Grenier (far right) can be seen in this photo from the OCPM's 2022 annual report.

Once the crisis is triggered, communication between the two women appears to be broken. Isabelle Beaulieu relays to LCN the words of her ex-comparison that overwhelms her. “Dominique isn’t defending me…” she lets out euphemistically. “DO. [Dominique Ollivier] and Plante left me. »

Currently, the Plante government is trying to direct criticism at Ms. Beaulieu and the OCPM government in order to protect Ms. Ollivier, the president of the executive committee. The mayor publicly assures that he was “equal to the music, present, transparent”. Quite the opposite for Isabelle Beaulieu: “I find it unacceptable that she didn’t make any comments, didn’t want to meet with the media,” attacked Ms. Plante.

Then, as the crisis worsens, Ms. Beaulieu considers her exit. She will conduct a limited number of interviews to explain herself. “Now let’s stop,” she said afterwards. The pressure must return to DO [Dominique Ollivier]. »

“Can’t you go back faster? »

The number of text messages between Isabelle Beaulieu and Guy Grenier is particularly important since the latter was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during much of the crisis. This participation in an international conference is heavily criticized.

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Guy Grenier, Secretary General of the Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal (OCPM).

“Is there a way for you to return home more quickly if the crisis worsens? » asks the President of the OCPM on Sunday, November 5th, at the beginning of the scandal. “Only if it were madness.” » “No, I'm stuck,” answered Guy Grenier.

The next day the pressure increases. “Can’t you go back faster? It really sucks. » “It's worse than the Spectrum murders. That's the only news. » “The media is on fire. Worse than a Stanley Cup,” she would later say.

Shortly before the report was published, Ms Beaulieu had suggested that the impending publication should be blamed for the postponement of the launch of a new website and logo. “We don’t have any money anymore anyway,” replies Guy Grenier. ” Perfect. But let's agree that it's up to Quebecor,” says the president of the OCPM.

This week, Isabelle Beaulieu declined to comment on her exchange with her ex-deputy. “I will not comment,” she replied via email to La Presse.

Guy Grenier, who also handled the access to information request, said on the phone that the document spoke for itself and he had nothing to add.

With William Leclerc and Vincent Larouche, La Presse