1703611578 Gigio Donnarumma by Alberto Angela the fans39 revolt

Gigio Donnarumma by Alberto Angela, the fans' revolt explodes

Gigio Donnarumma by Alberto Angela the fans39 revolt

TO Gigio Donnarumma the fans of his former team, the Milanthey don't even tolerate participation in it Tonight in…Paristhe cultural program of Alberto Angela and was broadcast on Christmas Eve during prime time on Rai 1.

The aim of the program is to introduce viewers to some of the most impressive European cities by, among other things, offering features and interviews with some of the Italians who live there. The capital of for two years France It is the new home of Donnarumma, the goalkeeper of the National European Champion in 2021, who announced the move a few days after Italy's triumph at Wembley Stadium PSG, Farewell with a free transfer to Milan, whose young captain he had already become.

A “Treason” A motivated athlete with the will to win (and a significantly higher salary) than ever before was well received by the devil's followers. “A great Italian master who has become a bit Parisian,” Alberto Angela introduces him. “Everything here seems to be a dream,” admits Gigio, “I started it.” Castellammare and I arrived here. I moved from Milan, which meant everything to me, and then I arrived here. An incredible team, one crazy company. But once I get here, I have to thank Milan because I grew up there and did everything there.” Sweet words for the Rossoneri colors, but they do not calm the anger of fans on social media. The most generous and kind comments are, in fact, “why” and “but in what sense?” comments.

“Of course, even a very good communicator like Alberto would invite Angela Donnarumma to talk about the artistic and cultural beauties of Paris… without prejudice to the fact that among his things on television, my favorite is still this!” he jokes Luca RossiJournalist and historical voice of Inter fans on QSVS on TeleLombardia.

“Italy is the country where Alberto Angela takes you to Paris and at the same time Verratti teaches Donnarumma French without even knowing Italian well,” is another very popular joke. “Thank you Alberto Angela for bringing us the immortal gag of Verratti teaching Donnarumma French on Rai prime time,” another user replies. Concluding with a viral meme: “It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to seem that way.” a mess“.