Here39s what to do if the second installment of your

Here's what to do if the second installment of your 13th salary is lower than expected Capitalist

Receiving the second installment of the highly anticipated book 13. SalaryIt is natural for employees to expect a value that corresponds to the rights acquired during the year.

In some situations, the amount deposited may not accurately reflect the amount owed. What to do in this scenario?

Second part of the 13th part smaller than expected: What to do?

Checking possible payment discrepancies

When you receive the second installment of your 13th salary, it is important to check whether there is a difference between the amount deposited and the amount owed.

INSS and income tax rebates can have a significant impact and errors may occur with these rebates. A careful analysis of the paycheck is the first step in identifying possible discrepancies.

Communicate corporate management

If you encounter any discrepancies, please immediately inform the management of the company you work for. Clarifying the situation directly with the responsible authority can provide a quick and effective solution. Administrative or processing errors can often be corrected internally.

Looking for rights: The 13th salary as an employee right

If the situation persists and there is no satisfactory solution, it is important to understand that the 13th salary, even if it is called an allowance, is actually a right of the employee. workers guaranteed by special legislation. Therefore, the employee has the full right and legal support to dispute and claim the amount owed to him.

Companies' failure to comply with labor laws can result in penalties, and dissatisfied employees have the right to seek legal advice, either from private attorneys or from the local public defender's office.

It must be remembered that there are laws protecting workers' rights and that challenging false values ​​is not only a right but a necessity to uphold these values justice and justice in industrial relations.