Milei sends a bill to Congress declaring an economic emergency

Milei sends a bill to Congress declaring an economic emergency in Argentina until 2025 .com

The government of President Javier Milei presented to Congress this Wednesday (27) a bill to declare a state of economic emergency and in other areas in Argentina until the end of 2025.

The initiative, called “Law of the Foundations and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines,” involves the transfer of tasks to the government due to the declaration of a “public emergency in economic, financial, tax, social security, security, defense and customs matters”. Energy, health, administration and social affairs until December 31, 2025,” the draft law states.

If approved by the legislature, the measures can be extended by the executive branch for another two years, i.e. until the end of the term of office of Milei, who took office on December 10th.

The government's proposal includes, among other things, a reform of the electoral code, changes to the criminal code to control street demonstrations and powers for the government to privatize public companies.

The new management argues that this project is being advanced “in the spirit of restoring economic and social order on the basis of the liberal doctrine enshrined in the National Constitution of 1853.”

Milei, whose party A Liberdade Avança has very little representation in Congress, had already signed a decree last week on the need and urgency to deregulate the economy, which also included the repeal of several laws, which provoked protests and has already been the subject of complaints was the court.

The protest against Javier Milei's economic plans ends in an uprising in Buenos Aires