Big Brother Letizia Petris breaks out against Beatrice Luzzi quotHe

Big Brother, Letizia Petris breaks out against Beatrice Luzzi: "He always does that, he attacks you when you are at your weakest" (VIDEO)

Annoyed and disappointed by Beatrice Luzzi's behavior, Letizia Petris vents to Gf ​​with Perla Vatiero.

Not for long new episode of Big Brotherwhat will happen Broadcast on Saturday December 30, 2023 in prime time on Canale 5. While waiting, Letizia Petris went wild with Perla Vatiero At Behaviors adopted by Beatrice Luzzi in his greetings.

The disappointment of Letizia Petris

There is no peace for Beatrice Luzzi the one after Giuseppe Garibaldi She was also targeted by Letizia Petris. Annoyed by the actress's behavior at the aperitif, the young photographer treated himself to one hard breakout with Marco Maddaloni and Perla Vatiero in which he did not hide his disappointment:

I can't be like that for something like that. He always did it to all of us when he knew we were weaker and would therefore collapse. You know exactly what week this is for me. I try to keep my head up. She knows exactly what I'm experiencing. She always does that, she attacks you when you are at your weakest. He never does it to me, he only does it when he knows it hurts me. It ruined my evening.

Also read Giuseppe Garibaldi threatens to leave the GF: here's why

After I heard it Letizia's outburst of anger against Beatrice, pearl he advised her to fly over and Do not give in to provocations and contradictions:

You have to feel good, you don't have to force things that aren't yours. You can't let anyone ruin your moments. Only you exist. You have to do it this way. Think of it as a moment of personal growth. Use it, implement it. You do it for yourself. You have to learn to let things slide off your shoulders. Learn here and it will help you in life too.

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