1703831547 Feeding birds properly in winter kaernten Radio Karnten

Feeding birds properly in winter kaernten. Radio Kärnten

Even when designing the garden, it is important for birds that there are shrubs and trees that serve as places of refuge for them and where they can breed and find food, says Andreas Kleewein from Birdlife Carinthia: “These are mainly wild and fruit-bearing fruits. bushes. They also provide food for birds in winter. In autumn, fruits are an excellent source of food. Not everything falls or is eaten immediately and so the birds can count on this even in winter.”

Transport note:

Radio Carinthia, December 23, 2023

Fallen fruit as a food source

Fruit trees in the garden, for example, are also a measure that characterizes a bird-friendly garden, as not everything needs to be harvested by humans. Fallen fruit can also be scattered, says the expert: “Birds take what they need. For example, in winter you should not cut an apple to make it easier for the bird to eat, because the cut apple can freeze. If you leave the apple to stay whole, the bird can get something depending on what it needs.

Birdhouse bird feeding site Fischlpark Klagenfurt winter

ORF/Iris Hofmeister

Choose a safe place for cats

Many people also want to help birds with feeders in the winter. According to Kleewein, where they are installed is crucial: “They should definitely be safe for cats. For example, proximity to bushes is ideal. The birds can escape there and the cat can’t follow them either.”

If the feeding spot is near a windowsill where the cat can easily jump, you may want to position it in a different location: “Unfortunately, cats also hunt songbirds.” feeder. Different bird species have different needs when it comes to feeder shape.

The feed silo is recommended for hygiene reasons

“A feed silo is ideal for many bird species. Protects food and prevents it from getting wet in case of snow or rain. The bird does not come into direct contact with the food itself by trampling it, as happens with a traditional feeder. This, in turn, means that the feed remains pure and is not contaminated by feces.”

If you decide on a traditional bird feeder, you should clean it from time to time with hot water, even in winter, recommends Kleewein: “Chemical products should not be used, this would be counterproductive for the bird in question, because they would come back with it related to food. Hot water is best for cleaning a feeder.”

Birds eat grains or soft foods

Birds have different preferences. According to Kleewein, sunflower seeds are the best choice because almost all bird species eat them. “But if you want to offer different species different things to eat, then you have to differentiate between grain eaters and soft food eaters. Grain eaters love sunflower seeds, millet, hemp seeds, walnuts and hazelnuts.” Soft food eaters, on the other hand, prefer soft foods such as raisins, oatmeal, but also so-called suet dumplings.


BirdLife/ Alexander Tschögele Chaffinch

Classic grain eaters include finches, finches, but also goldfinches, bullfinches and sparrows. This also includes the sparrow and sparrow. “These are the traditional grain eaters. They have a compact beak, but in general they prefer to eat grains,” says Kleewein. Classic eaters of soft foods would be, for example, the blackbird, but also tits, great tits, blue tits, coal tits, thrushes or great spotted woodpeckers.

Very popular ingredient for insects

As with fat rings, fat balls contain mainly fat, but also seeds. “But now there are also feed mixtures where insects have been incorporated into this fat. This is also very natural, as it is possible for birds to encounter insects in winter. For example, there are always insects hiding behind the bark. “But even if there are open areas on the ground, birds will find insect larvae there during the winter,” said the expert.

Birdhouse with bird food

ORF/Georg Lobster birdhouse with tit bait and fat ring

Don't forget to refill regularly

There is something you should definitely keep in mind when feeding birds: Food must be replenished in a timely manner as birds get used to the feeding location: “They need a quick supply of energy, especially after night. Due to the cold in the winter months, a lot of fat is burned during the night. The bird remembers that in the morning it can quickly get food from the feeder. It then absorbs it and can provide the body with enough energy as quickly as possible to get through the day.”

For everyone interested, there is a new free brochure from Birdlife Austria on the topic “Feathered guests at the feeder”. It shows the most common visitors to bird feeders and gives tips on bird-friendly garden design and winter feeding.