1703946423 The television year in 25 remarkable moments JDM –

The television year in 25 remarkable moments | JDM – Le Journal de Montréal

The year 2023 was another big year for television. Feature film, documentary, variety show, talk show, we were taken through all kinds of emotions. Retrospective in 25 moments.

1 Éléonore's powerful voice

The last appearance of Éléonore Lagacé, which brought her victory in the first season of Zénith. We knew she had a powerful voice. We saw them dancing, playing musical instruments and making spectacular performances. An absolutely young artist.

The television year in 25 remarkable moments JDM –

Photo courtesy of BENOIT ROUSSEAU

2 Hard journey

The documentary “Essentiels” by Sarah Champagne and Sonia Djelidi, broadcast on Télé-Québec, takes a shocking look at the fate of asylum seekers and temporary workers who hold essential jobs. To understand the ingratitude of these guardian angels who strive for a normal life here.

3 The tragedy of Mégantic

The Mégantic range cannot leave anyone indifferent. The third episode about the Lamarres is science fiction and recreates with great realism (even if it is difficult to imagine the atrocity experienced) the fire caused by the train derailment in the heart of the municipality's downtown. Impressive, overly touching, even painful to watch.

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Photo courtesy of Club ILLICO

4 Explore the Hasidic community

Sophie Fouron gave us rare and unique access to the Hasidic community in her friendly series Tenir Salon on TV5. Women speak authentically so we can better understand their culture.

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Photo courtesy of TV5

5 A real team girl!

Nathalie Simard returns to the train station in “Get Me Out of Here.” She initially caused surprise when she returned to our airwaves in a context that left participants so vulnerable. She proved to be a good player and team player. So much so that her teammates even rehabilitated her after she left.

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Photo TVA Group

6 Request changes

Philippe Falardeau's investigation into the Mégantic tragedy with his documentary series Lac Mégantic – this is no coincidence and should be watched closely. Whatever our leaders should do to create change.

7 The return of Guy and Sylvie

A man, a girl is back after 25 years. Guy and Sylvie haven't changed. They have evolved, they are people of their time. And now that the children are grown, it's an opportunity for them to return to Montreal.

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8th The annoying mistress wins hearts

If there is anyone who has experienced a meteoric rise in 2023, it is Mona de Grenoble. The drag, who describes herself as the annoying mistress at parties, made a splash on Celebrity Big Brother, winning the competition and winning people's hearts thanks to her funny, direct and honest confessions.

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Photo courtesy of BELL MEDIA

9 From Dolan to the small screen

Xavier Dolan gave us one of the best series of recent years with his adaptation of the play “The Night Laurier Gaudreault Awoke”. He gave it his all and invested on different levels. Effective texts, inspired production and actors at the highest level.

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Screenshot, QMI Agency

10 Unlikely recovery

You shouldn't underestimate anyone in a competition, especially not in a survival situation. If Nicolas wasn't outstanding at the start of Survivor Quebec, he won everything to get back in the game. He is the big winner of this first edition.

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Photo courtesy of BELL MEDIA

11 Always loved, this Paré

2023 marks the return, 30 years later, of the most popular Quebec series in our history: La petite vie. Popa has barely aged. Since Moman left, he has registered on an application to find love again. Reynald has heart problems, Pinson is an influencer, Caro is a rich activist, Thérèse is steeped in esotericism. We find them just as we loved them.

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Photo courtesy of ÉRIC MYRE

12 Gemini are innovative

The Gemini Evening, which honors the best of our television, has made a controversial change by introducing gender-neutral categories for performers.

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13 The Miller affair

If the Epstein affair caused a stir and lifted the veil on countless international sexual crimes, at home we have the Miller affair, which the team from the program Enquêtes brought to light.

14 The end of Wrong world

TVA abruptly pulled the plug on Le Monde à l'envers, hosted by Stéphan Bureau, a few weeks before it aired last September. The broadcaster cites financial reasons.

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Archive photo, MARTIN ALARIE

15 Interviews with Marie-Louise Arsenault

The quality of Marie-Louise Arseneault's interviews with In the Media. Intelligent, direct and lively, she seeks the opinions of her guests, even on sensitive or sensitive topics.

16 Disgusting as hell

Émile Proulx-Cloutier delivered an exceptional performance throughout Before the Crash's second season. François is Machiavellian, narcissistic, manipulative. But despite everything, we cling to it. We all held our breath as he left with little Denis.

17 Intense Marilyse Bourke

Marilyse Bourke inherited both delicate and intense scores in Après le déluge and Alertes this season. Whether she is suffering from bipolar disorder, an incompetent mother or the wife of a grieving biker, in both cases she brings tears to our eyes.

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Photo courtesy of BELL MEDIA

18 Love is in the air

Dramatic twist in the final of OD Andalusia! Against all expectations, Simon and Mia won the love competition, despite their couple being the youngest in the cohort. In particular, many preferred to vote against the couple whose relationship appeared to be the most “solid,” in favor of those who had never said “I love you” to each other.

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Photo courtesy of Bertrand Exertier

19 Dance to express yourself

We can express anything through dance. Even the most difficult subjects are presented by the dancers who present themselves at Révolution, offering choreographies of great poetry that reveal great emotional tension. Winner Gabrielle Boudreau proved this to us with the number presented in the semi-finals about the sexual violence to which she fell victim.

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Photo provided by OSA Images

20 Farewell, Vrak and Yoopa

Two channels have disappeared from the television landscape this year: Vrak and Yoopa. Young people seem to have almost no place on traditional television (except on state television).

21 The beautiful surprises of Masked singers

The Masked Singers team manages to recruit surprising artists who deliver extraordinary performances in fabulous costumes. We knew Michel Courtemanche moved well, we knew he was an excellent entertainer, but we had no idea he could sing. He was more chameleon than ever!

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22 The Magdalen Islands steal the show

The idyllic landscapes of the Magdalen Islands are more popular than ever and attracted filming this year. “Surprising Detective: The Girl with the Stone Eyes” and “Dog Time” play there.

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Photo provided by CLUB ILLICO

23 Discoveries

The year 2023 offered us some great discoveries: Alice Moreault in A Criminal Affair, Valérie Tellos in Before the Crash and Joakim Robillard in Mégantic and L'air d'aller.

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24 New face for ADISQ

Louis-José Houde leaves ADISQ. For 18 years he has masterfully led the presentation of Félix and made local songs shine.

25 Popular fiction

Daily fiction is popular. Indefensible and Stat hold peaks of 1.3 and 1.4 million.

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Archive photo, Martin Alarie