What 2024 has in store for you according to your

What 2024 has in store for you according to your zodiac sign Vanguardia MX

A return to the Sun brings detailed astrological analysis for 2024, offering a glimpse of the energies and possibilities that await each zodiac sign. In the context of the Aquarius era beginning in 2021, where spirituality, technology and humanism prevail, the transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto play a key role in shaping the collective consciousness.

The year will be marked by crucial astrological events, such as the three Mercury retrograde periods on April 2, August 5 and November 26, as well as two solar eclipse seasons in late March and early April and the Aries-Virgo axis in late September and early October.


Aries: March 21st to April 19th

For Aries, Saturn in Pisces suggests focusing on personal healing and leaving other people's problems behind. Financial opportunities and radical career decisions open up, as does the importance of closing chapters and freeing yourself from unfavorable associations.

Taurus: from April 20th to May 20th

The Sun in Taurus offers the opportunity for a new beginning based on the knowledge gained in 2023. Personal projects are progressing, economic doors are opening and new professional challenges are emerging. Taurus can take on a mentorship role and share wisdom.

Gemini: May 21st to June 20th

With three Mercury retrogrades, Gemini faces challenges but also experiences a new life cycle. There are pregnancies, academic challenges, and significant changes ahead. It is important to release and heal old bonds before embarking on new adventures.

Cancer: June 21st to July 22nd

The Moon's influence has a profound effect on Cancer, with an emphasis on friendships and inner healing. The year offers opportunities to make new friends, explore the psyche and deal with family moves or changes. Bold decisions are necessary.

$!What does 2024 have in store for you according to your zodiac sign?

Leo: July 23rd to August 22nd

Leo shifts their focus towards sharing and prioritizing others. As a couple, challenges arise and the need to take care of health and shared finances. The summer season is a key period for Leo.

Virgo: August 23rd to September 22nd

Virgo's sphere of friendship will be shaken in 2024. New connections are explored and outdated relationships are abandoned. It highlights the importance of taking care of your health and lifestyle, with possible changes in work contracts or important relationships.

Libra: from September 23rd to October 22nd

Libra focuses on the well-being and nourishment of the mind. Creative challenges arise and the need to leave your comfort zone. 2024 marks the beginning of new challenges and the liberation of past identities.

Scorpio: October 23rd to November 21st

Scorpio's energies depend on the placement of Mars, with a fun first half and a more responsible second half. Challenges at home and the possibility of radical change characterize the year.

Sagittarius: from November 22nd to December 21st

Sagittarius faces greater responsibilities at home, in the family and in the partner. To take advantage of opportunities, prudent decisions are crucial. There may be family changes, moves and the need to distance yourself from strange friends.

Capricorn: December 22nd to January 19th

Capricorn is experiencing a break in his intense work nature. The focus shifts to personal relationships and meaningful decisions. Important endings, particularly in contracts or relationships with key figures, are likely.

$!What does 2024 have in store for you according to your zodiac sign?

Aquarius: from January 20th to February 18th

Aquarius has a chance to improve his self-esteem and his economy in 2024. Opportunities to fall in love, explore new ideas and work on projects stand out. The highlight of projects and topics far from your hometown is presented as a recurring theme.

Pisces: from February 19th to March 20th

Fish take on a role Protagonist in 2024, highlighting his creativity, intelligence and spirituality. Meaningful endings mark the completion of long periods of life. Intuition and spiritual connection are strengthened, promising a year of remarkable personal growth.

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