1703998463 Not liking is revolutionary

Not liking is revolutionary

Not liking is revolutionary

Being a revolutionary has never been so convenient or so cheap as in these times. There are philosophies that consider taking a walk, not driving, not answering emails outside of work hours, or living in a house with a view of the mountains as seditious acts. Even shame is revolutionary, says a book published this year by Frédéric Gros. Back in the day, you had to go into the mountains, learn how to use weapons, and literally risk your skin (not like the politicians who allowed this to happen say). Today capitalism has become so fragile that a thoughtless person can keep it at bay.

Following the spirit of the times, I am doing my part by boycotting one of the pillars of consumer capitalism. I admit that I never take part in a satisfaction survey. I don't even give a thumbs up, I leave the airport toilets without judging their cleanliness and I don't leave a single comment in the hotels. Of course, I don't judge anything I see on a platform. I know many will be offended by my quiet radicalism, but I want to encourage others to overthrow algorithmic capitalism on the revolutionary path of indifference.

I hate the Netflix option that says, “This isn't for me.” It seems like a euphemism, as if the viewer is afraid of violating the algorithm: I didn't like it, but it's me, it's not you . There are couples who communicate more through platform questionnaires than with each other. They are more talkative when expressing their opinions in surveys than when they are talking.

We have to end this interrogation. Let them try to guess our tastes without help and dare to teach us things we might not like. And a warning to tweeters who have reached the end of this column: all of this is called irony. Keep this in mind before giving a thumbs down in your review.

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