North Korea, Kim: "Seeking reunification with the South is a mistake; war could break out at any time"

December 31, 2023, 2:00 a.m

The North Korean head of state speaks of an “uncontrollable and persistent crisis situation” on the peninsula that was triggered by Seoul and Washington


The leader of North Korea, Kim Jong UnHe said he would no longer seek reconciliation and reunification with South Korea, Pyongyang state media said. “I think it's a mistake We should no longer think about people who declare us the “main enemy”. as someone with whom one can strive for reconciliation and unification,” the dictator explained. And he again threatened and ordered a nuclear attack against the South Strengthen Pyongyang's military arsenal prepare for one War which could break out on the Korean peninsula “at any time”.

The North Korean leader spoke about it
“An uncontrollable and persistent crisis situation” on the peninsula and said it was triggered by Seoul and Washington. Kim then announced that he had ordered the edit
Measures to reorganize departments those dealing with cross-border transactions “to fundamentally change direction”.

North Korea's nuclear threat Three days ago, Kim Jong-un called on his party to “accelerate” war preparations, including the country's nuclear program. The news came just a week after he warned that Pyongyang would not hesitate to launch an attack if “provoked” with nuclear weapons.

New nuclear reactor in operation until summer 2024 The South Korean government later reported that the new light water reactor at North Korea's main nuclear power plant, Yongbyon, was expected to begin operation next summer. Nuclear tests would also be underway.

Kim: “War with South Korea could break out at any moment” During a lengthy speech at the end of the party's five-day year-end meetings that set North Korea's military and economic policy decisions for 2024, Kim sharply criticized the United States. Plans for further military development next year were announced at the summit. The dictator accused the US of “various types of military threats” and ordered his armed forces to maintain “overwhelming responsiveness” in the event of a possible conflict. It is “an absolute fact that a war could break out on the Korean peninsula at any time because the enemies are ruthlessly invading us,” the North Korean leader said. “We must respond quickly to a possible nuclear crisis and further accelerate preparations to pacify the entire territory of South Korea by mobilizing all means and physical forces, including nuclear forces, in case of emergency.”




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