Mark Zuckerberg sparks outrage with plan for multimillion dollar Hawaiian estate

Mark Zuckerberg sparks outrage with plan for multimillion-dollar Hawaiian estate: 'There are cameras everywhere'

A recent investigation into meta-CEO Mark Zuckerberg's multi-million dollar Hawaiian complex has sparked both fascination and concern among the public.

A WIRED report revealed Zuckerberg's plans to build a private 1,400-acre compound on Kauai called Koolau Ranch. Reportedly, the $270 million property will include two villas, a gym, a tennis court, pools, spa facilities, guest houses, operational buildings and even an underground bunker.

Despite the size of Koolau Ranch, the secrecy surrounding the project is a major concern among the tight-knit Kauai community. WIRED's interviews with former contractors at the site revealed that workers were required to sign strict non-disclosure agreements and were observed under military-like security measures. Employees were reportedly fired for sharing social media posts on the property.

“There are cameras everywhere,” a former Koolau Ranch contractor told WIRED.

In addition to enforcing strict employee confidentiality agreements, there were reportedly several other suspicious legal activities related to the project that sparked a public backlash.

Zuckerberg allegedly created a series of “shell companies” to own Koolau Ranch in his name. According to WIRED, these shell companies filed lawsuits pressuring locals with ancestral land rights to either sell their shares of the land or bid on them at auction.

Unfortunately, many islanders have failed to outbid wealthy competitors for ownership of their ancestral lands, contributing to ongoing economic problems for Hawaii's natives. As more wealthy mainland Americans purchase real estate in Hawaii, island residents are struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living, leaving some with no choice but to leave their homes.

“The people who were born and raised here can’t afford to live here,” one Kauai local told WIRED.

Kauaians are also concerned about the potential environmental impact the Koolau Ranch project will have on the island. According to NBC News, the construction project has significantly increased local car traffic, noise pollution and trash pollution.

Given the public backlash over Koolau Ranch, some Hawaiians believe Zuckerberg's presence on Kauai could benefit the island's economy in the long run. Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have reportedly donated over $20 million to various Kauai-based nonprofits since 2018, according to SFGATE, including a county employment program and several COVID-19 relief initiatives.

However, critics remain skeptical of the meta-CEO's intentions.

“Zuckerberg's presence may increase charity, but it will not address the root causes of why we need this kind of philanthropic charity in the first place,” Nikki Cristobal, executive director of Kamāwaelualani, a Hawaiian nonprofit focused on education and the arts, told WIRED Report.

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